View Full Version : Am I dying?!

11-30-2015, 07:30 AM
Alright, so I've had this happen to me once before. My blood pressure and heart rate have skyrocketed. I'm terrified... My blood pressure was at 139/89 and my heart rate was at 179.. Am I dying? Or is this anxiety.?

11-30-2015, 09:02 AM
Alright, so I've had this happen to me once before. My blood pressure and heart rate have skyrocketed. I'm terrified... My blood pressure was at 139/89 and my heart rate was at 179.. Am I dying? Or is this anxiety.?

If you are anxious, your blood pressure going up would be normal

If you get even more anxious when you look at your blood pressure reading, sending your heart rate up would be normal

Have you been to a GP recently and had a clean bill of health

Checking heart rates and blood pressure when you are anxious is as bad as Googling your symptoms.

Should be avoided all of the time

11-30-2015, 09:16 AM
If you are anxious, your blood pressure going up would be normal

If you get even more anxious when you look at your blood pressure reading, sending your heart rate up would be normal

Have you been to a GP recently and had a clean bill of health

Checking heart rates and blood pressure when you are anxious is as bad as Googling your symptoms.

Should be avoided all of the time

Yes, I have been. I'm 17, and yet, nobody has found anything wrong with me... This has happened once before, but in a hospital, and I hate going to the hospital. I hadn't eaten, or slept very much, as I have a daughter, who is a year and a half old, and she has an ear infection. I had gotten up, looking for something, and then my heart just started racing and my blood pressure went up.. I'm not sure if it was from lack of food, or something is wrong with me... I think there is something that the doctors aren't just understanding or something underlying that they can't find..

Thank you for your reply back

11-30-2015, 09:32 AM
You have adrenaline and other chemicals in your system at a higher normal level, another words your threshold is already elevated, so a pin drop can send you over the line. The heart is not faulty, but reacting NORMALLY to the given mental conditions that have a real effect upon the bodies systems.

Stress. Psychological and it's effects on the hormones. You can do things, eat things, think things, to elevate the happy hormones and decrease the release of those that raise the HR and tear down the defenses not allowing the body to recuperate even during sleep.

Find what mentally bothers you, or the problems that need to be resolved in your life, and work toward resolution while getting sunlight, friendship, laughter, sex, foods like chocolate that all raise your happy hormones and you'll be ok.

But, you must start to believe you are in control, of all of it. Including not only you can heal your problems, but that the body is not some sort of enemy, but your most intimate friend that: faithfully followed your emotions. If the emotions are high alert and unhappy, then expect a release of unhappy producing hormones.

Get real! And stop the ignorance. See life clearly and not like a chicken with its head cut off, or blindly reacting. You know deep inside yourself what's bothering you MENTALLY. Deal with it clearly and with determination.

This advice is for those with diagnosed physical issues or psychosomatic illusions due to stress, anxiety, fear, bewilderment, false beliefs, powerlessness, guilt, shame, low self worth, abuse, et al.

If you take anything away from this post in your short 17 years, then remember, your mind will react to real physical events or those imagined all the same. The imagined experience will then become real physically with enough focus. This is what's happening to you and everyone reading this.

11-30-2015, 10:31 AM
Not eating and not sleeping enough is never good. Those things can make you feel really bad all the way around. Wait until you've eaten and slept to know how you really feel.

11-30-2015, 10:58 AM
Not eating and not sleeping enough is never good. Those things can make you feel really bad all the way around. Wait until you've eaten and slept to know how you really feel.

This happened last night, and the night before I had not gotten any sleep... Last night, I got about 6 hours of sleep. Thank you for your reply. It really helps having a support system.