View Full Version : World events - anxiety spiking

11-29-2015, 11:21 AM
Just looking at the Turkey-Russia conflict and the Ukraine-Russia conflict and I have a horrible feeling something really bad is about to happen. I've spent ages this weekend when I should have been doing uni work reading up on security, on the effects of nuclear war (including watching the horrific Threads) and just generally in a funk.

I want to move from New Zealand (I am in the UK) - the southern hemisphere should be less affected. What makes me mad is that compared to most countries the UK has almost no fallout shelter provision.

Sometimes I wonder if it's best just to end it now, rather than go through the horrors to come.

11-29-2015, 11:51 AM
Just looking at the Turkey-Russia conflict and the Ukraine-Russia conflict and I have a horrible feeling something really bad is about to happen. I've spent ages this weekend when I should have been doing uni work reading up on security, on the effects of nuclear war (including watching the horrific Threads) and just generally in a funk.

I want to move from New Zealand (I am in the UK) - the southern hemisphere should be less affected. What makes me mad is that compared to most countries the UK has almost no fallout shelter provision.

Sometimes I wonder if it's best just to end it now, rather than go through the horrors to come.

I understand you being afraid of what may happen but I'm not so sure you can find anywhere these days that would be safe

When I was a kid we used to have fallout shelter drills I had no idea what I was doing it for. Where I live now, I don't believe they would help and frankly, I wouldn't want them to. If the bombs ever start, i would be dust from the blast but that beats all of the hell on earth that lingers.

Wars have been going on since the beginning and as much as we hope, chances are they always will be ongoing

So what shall we do? Just like anything else, we can''t live our lives in fear of what might happen. That would be a pretty crappy life if when you were 85, you looked back and realized you were worrying all that time for nothing and life just whizzed right by

It is true with anything that anxious people fear The worry is what gets to us, not the actual event

So.......give the middle finger to Turkey, Russia and any other country that decides that war is the answer. Show your discontent by partying like a rock star everyday with a big ol smile

11-29-2015, 12:01 PM
I have to agree with Nixon. Wars and terror have been going on since the dawn of man. I try not to even look at or read the news because I would have have a similar experience Ferrus, I also deal with PTSD. And being in a crowded place I find myself wondering if someone is going to come in and shoot it up or if someone else is going to self detonate. That's fear and distrust, two things I work on. My best coping strategy for that is to just live in and appreciate the moment. It really is true that they win if we continue to live in fear because our greatest gift of combat is to love; to not let our lives be affected because ei believe everything will be ok, whether I am alive or die at the hands of another. Ultimately it for me is a reminder that we are all mortal and to make every moment precious and count. To find the good and beauty in the world and if I can't find it to be it because those things I can control, outer environment I can't. I hope this helps even a little

11-29-2015, 02:06 PM
Great comments here, especially about choosing love. I just may add that if you don't want to scare yourself, then don't. Remember the television or radio has a dial where you can choose to watch anything you like. Your life, by analogy (and attraction of energy) works the same way.

What will you choose for yourself? Hmm, your every decision has an effect on the world, will you choose love, or fear?

'I was just looking at the turkey Russia conflict and scaring myself silly, like when I was a child after watching a horror film under my blanket'

But now, as in then, I realize when I peek my head out from underneath, all is safe in my world. Because I create my own reality, and let others do the same, even at their own destruction. I am safe, I trust who I am, that I will create a beautiful life for myself which includes a peaceful environment in which to experience my most intimate personal moments. For myself and my family.

This message is for all readers, not just the OP.

11-29-2015, 02:40 PM
Yea - Don't feed the fear with more of it. I know it's hard to switch off in a world that constantly projects such negativity. All the more reason to seek out the off switch when feeling overwhelmed like so. You don't have to turn a blind eye to such things, but more see them in a light that does not consume and or disable you. It is what it is. Humans being humans.

How we allow it to affect us is what either empowers us, or disables us.

Love is such a pretentious word in the world I see around me, however such events should only serve to make us seek out more mutual respect. I think for those of us that struggle when in a group of others, we would do better to focus on individual aspects rather than the masses. Mass Ego will always result in posturing, proclamations and or continual conflict. If you react to the reaction, then you are as good as feeding the fear that's projected and thus for ever internalizing and creating a predisposition for the want of more pain.

In this light, I highly advice reaching for the off switch and seeking out some much needed head space.

Sometimes it helps to go out and reach out to others in need around us, as a result from seeing so much hate on said screens. Lest one fall into habitual complaining about others who hate. Don't become part of the process, but switch off and do the opposite instead.

Most of these issues are a residual effect washed up from the shores of those who profess to be clean. We need to work on ourselves before passing judgment on others. Be the change and all that. yadda yadda ...

... I understand how it sucks ... BUT ... I no longer subscribe to the system that facilitates that pain it claims to address. In adopting new perceptions of how society is really run and what matters most ... I still struggle, but I no longer give the power to the system as I once did.

Hi Marc - Hope you are well?

11-29-2015, 02:44 PM
Feelin ok, been a bit of a stress lately. But should come out the other side :) are you feeling better? I know a lot going on too, my energy is always with you, even away from here of course.

11-29-2015, 02:48 PM
Glad you are OK - Yes, had been a rough trot, however we are floating along OK ourselves now. :)
I will update in a more pleasing manner in my thread later. TY for popping in there too. It's been a long time since I did a vid. No promises, but I will do another soon and say G'day in that. It's good to of quickly caught up with you like so.

Peace Out Bro ...
We catch up soon :)