View Full Version : Can anxiety symptoms change?

11-28-2015, 04:03 PM
Hi all I'm new to the forum but not to anxiety and panic attacks, for the past two months my symptoms has been scaring me to death. I've been to the Dr numerous times since this started had many labs done. She says its anxiety but I've never experienced these symptoms like this. I'm use to the panic coming on when I create it and get nauseas heart race ect. But here lately out of no where I was smoking a cigarette and got this weird rush come over me and made me so dizzy I thought I would faint this went on all of Oct. I'm still having the dizzy head and racing heart going on and its worse after smoking.this is all day everyday only thing that's better is I don't feel like I'm going to faint. Plus I get this fear feeling that comes on me with these spells and I'm not even panicking. My hands sweat sometimes with it and that's new to me too, at first I thought I was having low sugar attacks but I check my sugar and its normal and I'm not diabetic. My bp is normal also while this happens I'm always checking, I'm scared it's my heart Dr has listened to my heart said it sounded good and strong. How can anxiety change out of the blue? And why does smoking effect me now when it never did before? If anyone can relate or tell me if this is very bad anxiety that's been triggered some how I'd appreciate it

11-28-2015, 04:34 PM
Anxiety symptoms constantly change

The reason is that once you start either accepting or getting comfortable with the current anxiety symptoms, that kinda pisses Anxiety off so it starts on a new path

Hands can sweat one day and go stone cold the next/ Everyday is a crap shoot of new and exciting symptoms to drive you up a wall

11-28-2015, 04:52 PM
What that guy said^^^^

Just say f*ck it when you discover something new to be anxious about. That's how I overcome my hypochondria. Do I feel a heart attack coming? f*ck it, let it come, I don't care. Is that cancer? f*ck it, I don't care. Is that... meh, never mind, just f*ck it. :D

11-28-2015, 05:34 PM
It's not about the Anxiety - It's more about "How your life is impacted" by it. Nothing stays the same. YES - Anxiety Symptoms change. Will treating the symptoms stop more symptoms from arising?

Keep seeing the doctor for that one. Doctors are all about treating the symptoms. Only by addressing the core root can you ever find freedom from said suffering.

However my advice is to take a little more time and consider the implications of ignoring the bigger picture. Health Anxiety is an Addiction to Worry. An addition to a state of frenzy.

"OH My" - "Help" - "Quick I Need" - "Me Me" - "Attention Please"

Of course that's the theme of this forum and relates to those suffering more so "Health Anxiety" - but regardless of the symptoms pointing to Anxiety - Actually change Anxiety to "The Core" ... addressing the core of your problems is the place to start. Only You can to that.

Is not up to others to tell you how bad you are feeling. Only you can be the judge of "How Bad it is" To what extent does this suffering have a hold on your life - goes back to your symptoms as you fist described. Can they change you ask? Of course ... you can change the pace at which your hear beats simply with what you think. Yes smoking can do that too - arr but it helps me relax ... No - You and others who are addicted to smoking will tell themselves that. Smoking increases your heart rate ... BUT - the addictions under which we are conditioned is what really drives our anxiety.

Treat the addiction, the habit - and locate other addictions in ones life - Why do I smoke ... why do I consume things that make me anxious ... Why am I anxious all the time, why do I keep posting about the things that make me worry - Oh but the doc said ... Oh but the psychologist said ... Oh but ...

You know what ...

arrrrrr FUCK IT! :)

11-28-2015, 05:45 PM
Thanks all for replying,can I ask how high can heart rate get with anxiety? Mine has been 115 when these spells happen

cloudy black
11-28-2015, 05:59 PM
yeah ive got a phd in worrying! and really when your back is against the wall, then in theory thats when you are supposed to transcend the crap. it's a sink or swim situation. . . .

11-28-2015, 06:15 PM
Thanks all for replying,can I ask how high can heart rate get with anxiety? Mine has been 115 when these spells happen

115 actually seems kinda low when going through a panic My rates were off the charts.

When I went to the hospital, the nurse would look like she feels sorry for me since I was about to kick the bucket LOL

You are just fine!

11-28-2015, 06:26 PM
That's what scares me I'm not panicking its that high after smoking,well after smoking the spells happen. I wondering if I'm not just in a state of anxiety that's been triggered from something,its just very different then what I've always dealt with. Plus I'm not breathing fast or hyperventilating when this is happening I do deep slow breathing that doesnt help much. Also I can be calm and out of no where my heart will flip flop sometimes without it racing. On how I hate health anxiety

11-28-2015, 06:29 PM
That's what scares me I'm not panicking its that high after smoking,well after smoking the spells happen. I wondering if I'm not just in a state of anxiety that's been triggered from something,its just very different then what I've always dealt with. Plus I'm not breathing fast or hyperventilating when this is happening I do deep slow breathing that doesnt help much. Also I can be calm and out of no where my heart will flip flop sometimes without it racing. On how I hate health anxiety

Its just becasue you are anxious and being anxious will keep your heart rate elevated a bit

But that isnt at a rate that you should be concerned about

11-28-2015, 06:32 PM
Thank you for your answers I appreciate it Nixon