View Full Version : I don't feel like myself (out of nowhere)

11-26-2015, 08:39 PM
Hey guys, first off, just wanted to say I'm really appreciative of this forum as this is such a gold mine of information. But i've seemed to "develop" these weird feelings of emotion since Sunday 11-22-2015.

Some background information about me:
-In 4-year school
-GREAT internship I couldn't be more happy about
-Great loving family
-Few great friends (but haven't seen each other much because of work/school)

I can't think of anything that's going wrong in my life. The only "stressful" thing is keeping up with school deadlines, or work deadlines, but I've been doing that for months and that hasn't bothered me at all.

It all started that day when I had about 3 cups (24oz) of coffee within 2 hours at 5-6pm but I usually drink 1-2 cups a day only. Feeling awake and alert, I go study with my friends at 7pm. On the drive there, I began to felt like my emotions are "weird" but I just ignored it. I began to feel a little bit more "weird" as we studied up until about 11pm. This was when i started having these episodes of me really acknowledging that there's something "wrong" with me. I'll be coding and then next minute, I get this rush over me like a sense over me and in these 2-3 minutes, I stop what I'm doing and I'm asking myself "what the f" is wrong with me? What's happening to me?" It's like as if I'm there but not really there. I seriously can't describe this feeling. It happened about 4-5 times within 30 minutes and that's when I had enough of it and just went home.

On the drive home, I felt 99% fine. I called my friend in med school and told him about it. He told me it was just the amount of caffeine I took that was firing all my senses in me. I brushed it off and tried going to sleep that night. That night, I had a bit trouble sleeping and I had some really horrible thoughts about just stupid tragedies about me dying (no suicidal thoughts). I'm scared to die and would never hurt myself. But that led on to things like "oh man, what if my family gets hurt while black friday shopping" or literally any situation that they could get hurt in.

These past couple days since then, I went home "sick" on Monday and Tuesday. But I felt better later at night. Wednesday, I stayed at work all day. Pretty much it has been getting "better" but when i mean better, the weird feeling still lingers. Sometimes I'll have these huge "mood" swings where I'm feeling 99%, then next thing you know OUT OF NOWHERE, i have that weird depressed feeling but I DON'T KNOW ABOUT WHAT! That's the frustrating thing because I can't figure it out.
Then I'll TRY to keep myself busy by watching a show and I'll forget, but later on, it kind of comes back.

Here are some of my symptoms I've noticed since then:
-Loss of appetite
-Paying more attention to what's going on my body (like if my arm tingles, i'll think something is bad)
-Easily a bit irritated but I come to my senses that I shouldn't be a dick like that
-Don't really want to go out sometimes because I just want to stay in bed and watch TV

I get 6-8 hours of sleep each night so that's not bad at all. This literally happened out of NOWHERE. I seriously can't find the root no matter how much I'm asking myself what could be cause. Anyone else have any insight? I have a doctor's appointment coming up soon. Hopefully I'll get some answers and update.

If there's anything else I left out, I'll update later. Thanks everyone.

11-27-2015, 07:45 PM
Hey crsxpp.

Get everything checked with your doc - only so that your mind can be at ease and so that you don't have to go around worrying for nothing.

I had a similiar situation to yours. I think that the coffee triggered something that you already had. Difference between your situation and mine is that I smoked some laced weed :D The weed triggered a panic attack and I started to observe these anxious feelings. The more I was observing them(out of not understanding them), the bigger my anxiety grew.

I'd recommend that you learn about anxiety and how you can control it. Lots of posts here on the forum. Maybe take a break from everything for a period.That's what I did. I'm happy I did.
