View Full Version : Bouncing legs feeling is back!!!!

11-26-2015, 12:04 PM
After strugling with that horrible syptome for 3 and half moths I was good for a few weeks, and than on Friday it hit me again and it is on, its goddman on....

there are 2 possible reasons, I broke up with girlfriend after 2 and half years of relationship that day and I got a little cold or alergies going on, I think its cold, stuffed nose, ears, itchy throath... which one do you think it is? :)

I am not depressed mentally about girlfriend but is it possible that my body is fighting? also I have tremors/trembling in back and neck... again. This came back also.

or is it stuffed ears/nose thing.

Legs feel like jelly, sinking to ground, or bouncing, or like walking on a boat... classic stuff :) especially my right foot. Dont know why.

11-29-2015, 09:03 AM
After strugling with that horrible syptome for 3 and half moths I was good for a few weeks, and than on Friday it hit me again and it is on, its goddman on....

there are 2 possible reasons, I broke up with girlfriend after 2 and half years of relationship that day and I got a little cold or alergies going on, I think its cold, stuffed nose, ears, itchy throath... which one do you think it is? :)

I am not depressed mentally about girlfriend but is it possible that my body is fighting? also I have tremors/trembling in back and neck... again. This came back also.

or is it stuffed ears/nose thing.

Legs feel like jelly, sinking to ground, or bouncing, or like walking on a boat... classic stuff :) especially my right foot. Dont know why.

I have the jelly leg feeling often on and off they feel weak as well

11-29-2015, 09:31 AM
did you find something to help you with lose that feeling?

11-29-2015, 09:45 AM
did you find something to help you with lose that feeling?

No I haven't,I'm dealing with many symptoms that scares me to death. Its hard to believe its all anxiety and not be panicking

11-29-2015, 10:07 AM
yeah thats "normal" with this sheet... :/

11-29-2015, 10:21 AM
yeah thats "normal" with this sheet... :/

I can't stop thinking something is wrong with my heart causing the constant dizziness its with me 24/7

11-29-2015, 10:28 AM
since you are on this forum you know it isnt so relax, its hard but you need to stop worrying about heart...

11-29-2015, 12:27 PM
Really sorry to hear you're feeling like this. :(
I am actually going through a really similar thing this week, I broke up with my boyfriend a couple of weeks ago (like you I'm ok about it) and I've been getting the boat feeling when I walk or when I am lying down (a new symptom for me.) I also have health anxiety, and have a habit of googling symptoms for reassurance, looking on this forum for reassurance etc. but my therapist told me that everytime I do that , I am confirming in my head that there is something wrong with my body to be worried about. If you notice a symptom, think 'that's the anxiety' and don't look it up (I know how hard this is) and don't let it get the better of you, then it does leave. Doing this trains your brain to stop being hyper-aware about body sensations and (most importantly) to not go down spiral thought-patterns which in the end actually make the bodily symptoms worse.
There are scientific reasons behind every symptom- the blurry vision, the dizziness, etc etc. are all consequences of our bodies and brains being a bit over worked. I heard a great analogy about health anxiety -- if you are scared of flying, then you are on a plane and even although it's a completely normal flight, you will head every bump, you will feel every tiny bit of turbulence, and you'll be looking at the hostess for reassurance that everything is ok. If you aren't afraid of flying, you will go on the same plane journey and be able to enjoy yourself and relax. The same can be said for our bodies.
Meditation doesn't work for me as it makes me feel dizzy and hyperaware of my body. What I have found does work is having a mantra like 'I am free and healthy inside my body' or something like that. You can say this over and over to yourself instead of going over and over analysing the symptoms.

Hope this helps a wee bit. Good luck !!

11-29-2015, 01:02 PM
I completely agree and sympathize with you. And dont get me started about googling the symptoms :D When I got this first time I googled the hell out of it :D I dont google it anymore and I have that kind of mantra also. And meditation isnt working with me also, maybe Im doing it wrong but it doesnt work right now... It is the hardest part to say over and over again that you are healthy and nothing is wrong with you when those symptoms are bothering you but I am already better today and Ill be fine!