View Full Version : Relationship Anxiety

11-26-2015, 12:56 AM
Be prepared for a longish post (I'm going to try my best to condense it. Who knows, maybe it wont be that long after all).

I am a long time sufferer of Generalized Anxiety Disorder co-morbid with some other things, but this post is specifically about my anxiety and some panic attacks thrown in. My anxiety gets really bad when it comes to relationships, mostly ones that are romantic in nature. And the thing is... I know EXACTLY why my anxiety centers around relationships. The two main themes? Fear of abandonment and infidelity. So without further ado, here is my story:

The anxiety started in elementary school (maybe sooner, I can't remember further back than that) and of course I had no idea what was "wrong" with me. I just knew I was different. I reacted to nearly everything differently, my temper-tantrums were significantly worse than other kids, I cried over everything, I bit, punched, and scratched myself out of frustration, and I often had panic attacks. My brother would physically and psychologically abuse me. Not in the sense that he would hit me or anything, but he's held me underwater for extended periods of time, held knives up to me, and just flat out torture me. My mother, who mind you is a nurse, was not at all helpful. In fact, I believe she is the reason I can be so ashamed at times for my anxiety. She used to tell me "I don't listen to whiners. Just ignore him." But how can you just ignore someone who you live with and see everyday, let alone someone who TRIED DROWNING YOU? My mother just seemingly did not care. So I grew up believing that no one cares and I should keep my feelings to myself. My mother and father had a rocky marriage. They would argue and she would leave and say she was never coming back. My sister and I would stay up crying, calling her and begging her to come home. She came back every time. I was constantly bullied at school for being over weight and just other nonsense. Home was supposed to be my solace, but it wasn't. The nightmare just never ended.

Flash forward to middle school. I've lost a ton of weight and became more physically active. And now in addition to my anxiety I now have depression. I was still bullied constantly in school and therefore was in my fair share of altercations. The relationship between my brother and I got a little bit better. At this time he was a young adult and grew up a bit I guess you could say. But the relationship with my mother got significantly worse. She would tell me that I am "psycho" and that I need to be put in a psych-ward. Just imagine being only 11/12 years old and your mother, the person who is supposed to protect and love you, tells you you're crazy. That is just traumatizing. I am traumatized by this and I can acknowledge it. One time after she told me that, I ran upstairs to the bathroom, shut the door, and cut my wrists for the first time. She came barging in, took a hold of my arm and scolded me. Further telling me that I am crazy and she is going to call the police to have me mental hygiene arrested. I would plead with her to not take me there. She never did. I never truly stopped cutting, but it wasn't as bad. I wouldn't make myself bleed, only sometimes. I eventually went to therapy and I liked it, but it just did not help me. I got into my first "serious" relationship (I put serious in quotations because I was only 12 years old. Nothing's serious then). I thought I was in love and we were together for a year and a half. I was constantly on edge in the relationship. I always thought he was lying to me, was being unfaithful, and I tried to control him. Of course he had enough of my behavior and called it quits. My brother actually apologized to me saying that he feels he is partially to blame for this, which at the time I was like of course it's your fault. It wasn't until after our relationship ended that I was diagnosed with G.A.D. with extreme emotions and panic and depression. Then it all made sense to me and I finally understood why I felt the ways that I did. So I continued to be in therapy until my mother decided she did not want me to see my therapist anymore after my therapist had her come in with me and we talked about how I felt about my early childhood experiences. My mother cried and apologized to me, but later she said she couldn't believe that the therapist blamed her for how I am. So I never saw her again. I continued to see multiple different therapists each ending the same.

Flash forward again to high school. Our home was foreclosed and so we moved to a different town about 30 minutes away from everything and everyone I once knew. I am sure you can imagine the emotions I was feeling about this: new school, new home, new environment, and completely new people. I was truly alone. I quickly made two friends though and soon many more. The relationship with my mom worsened and she would often say she wants to kick me out. Of course that never happened. I entered in another serious relationship, lasting about two years. He was very emotionally abusive. Cheated on me with my best friend, dishonest, partied, flirtatious, immature, and very unkind. I ended up getting pregnant and miscarried. So that was another blow to my depression, but in the end I truly think it was for the best. Bittersweet. Anytime I tried to break up with him he would find a way to make me come back. I eventually worked up the courage to leave him for good. I changed my number, blocked him on social media, and did not look back. Probably one of the best decisions of my life.

Lets flash forward yet again to after graduation. My family and I moved to a different state. So once again I was up rooted from what I knew to somewhere completely new and isolating. It wasn't too bad though I suppose. I had my first job at Chuck E. Cheese. Horrible experience, do not recommend. My boss was emotionally abusive and the company was just ridiculous. I entered into a very short lived relationship with a guy younger than me. Even though it was very short (one month) he was the MOST emotionally abusive person I have ever come across and with my knowledge in psychology (psychology major in the house) dare I say, he must be a sociopath because he is just the textbook definition. Anywho, he would constantly call me fat, say he was cheating on me, show me pictures of who he was supposedly cheating on me with, send me texts that "weren't" meant for me, and would intentionally provoke my anxiety and call me crazy. I tried leaving and like my last ex he found a way to pull me back in. So the cycle continued, but luckily one day he just disappeared and I haven't heard from him since. Thank the lord.

Now here's present time. My parents divorced back in 2013. My mother moved down south, and we moved back to NY. My father remarried to a woman who has some strange grudge against me. What I did, I have no idea. I entered into another serious relationship and is the one I am currently in. My step-mother, too, would emotionally abuse me. Telling me to cut myself and hit myself, she doesn't like me, and that depression isn't real it's just being lazy. She said all of this in front of my father (who used to be basically my best friend. I was a huge daddy's girl) and he did NOTHING. I even asked him why he would let her say those things to me. His response? "When you have kids you'll understand." NO. I will stand up for my children to anyone, even my spouse. My kids come first. Eventually, my father moved out on short notice and I was told I had two months to find somewhere to live. So I moved in with my aunt and uncle until I moved away for university which was closer to my boyfriend as he lived in a different state at the time. Which is where I am currently working on my bachelors. I hardly talk to any of my family now except my sisters and relatives.

Now my currently relationship as mentioned above. For the first time I am in a relationship that is overall going very well and for the most part he is very supportive of me. But of course being with someone with anxiety and depression is not always smooth sailing so I understand when sometimes he gets overwhelmed. We have been together for well over a year now and I trust him with all my heart and I truly do feel like he is the one. But of course my anxiety is still a huge factor. However, I am working on it harder than ever. I am therapy again with a wonderful therapist who really seems to understand me. I am under medication and write diligently in a journal. I can say that I have gotten way better and both my therapist and boyfriend agree. But of course I have hiccups.

11-26-2015, 12:57 AM
Which brings me here today. Here is my main problem currently and why I just got over a panic attack about two hours ago. Over the weekend I hardly heard from my boyfriend because he would work in the mornings and then fall asleep and repeat. I am someone who needs to be reminded they are loved, so hardly hearing it for two days was challenging for me. I didn't hear from him at all on Monday. Tuesday he texts me saying he is sorry, but when he got home from work at 11pm, he was talking with his siblings about his brothers school performance (they are a very close family). So that's why he didn't text me back because he was doing that and then when he was done it was late so he figured I went to bed. Okay, understandable. We were supposed to hang out on Tuesday (his only day off) and he never showed. At midnight he texted me saying he was sorry and that he was having family issues so he will come over the next night (which is tonight). So now we are at tonight. He came over, we went out to eat and I could tell something was wrong. He just said he was very tired and wasn't in a good mood. I asked if he wanted to talk about it, he said no. He is a very reclusive person when something bothers him. We go back to my dorm room and we watched netflix. Normally we would cuddle, this time we didn't. He didn't talk to me. I tried poking at him, hugging him, asking him whats wrong, nothing seemed to help. I asked him what I could do to help him, he said he was fine. Midnight comes around and he says he has to go. He gives me a one arm hug and says he will come over in the morning for my birthday. I started crying as I just felt so helpless. Like I couldn't even make the person I love feel happy. He noticed and asked me what was wrong, I told him and he told me its not my fault and that "nothing can make me happy." Which made me cry even more. So he continued with the one arm hug and told me again its not my fault. Then he went towards the door and said he will see me in the morning and as he walked out he said he loves me and goodnight. No kiss. No further care for my well-being. I immediately broke down into a panic attack. I felt like I lost control of my mind. I've been working so hard in therapy and CBT to not hurt myself in any way, but I punched the wall and scratched myself. Not my proudest moment. I just felt so helpless, unloved, unwanted, and worthless. Like I couldn't do anything right. I texted him saying " I love you very much....I wish you would come back." No response. So here I am. Calm now as it has been three hours, but still very anxious. In retrospect it was selfish of me to try to put my problems onto him when he's clearly struggling to cope with his own. That is something I do need to work on. But I am just so worried about what's bothering him. I don't want him to be upset... I want him to be happy. I get really bad anxiety about this because I guess a part of me blames myself for how he feels even when he says it's not me and I even know it's not me. Just my anxiety takes over sometimes. I'm scared that he's not going to come over in the morning for my birthday. I'm scared that I am driving him away. He says he also feels that I am "the one" for him and that he does see a future together. He says the anxiety doesn't matter to him and he would never leave me over it as he understands that it's not always something I can control.

But yeah, so there's my long story about why I am here. I know I could have just cut straight to the last paragraph, but I felt like pretext was needed and I feel like a part of me just needed to ramble on into detail about my past as I have never fully gotten over it.

So thank you for listening and reading all this, if you did. And even if you didn't read all of it or just skimmed through, still I thank you for at least giving me the time of day. :)

11-26-2015, 08:15 PM
buôn may bán đắt nào

11-29-2015, 05:32 AM
I'm struggling with relationship anxiety too. Right now I dont have much advice to give, nor am I any shape to write much about my own experiences. Not quite the same as yours, but relationship anxiety still. I'm om heavy medication now. If you want to talk more, you can add me. I understand you! My boyfriend doesn't understand. But I haven't been completely honest with him either. We never ser each other, due to his occupation. He travels a lot. And I have a tendency to go balistic (right Word?) on text messages. The reason I'm suffering now and have eatin' pills like crazy now is that he ignores me. See my latest post. Cryptic, but you will understand. Feels like he's going to leave me.

11-29-2015, 05:37 AM
I should have told him all about it, but in fear of being abandoned I want to struggle with my stupid thoughts alone. Unfortunately, I keeper lashing out on him every once in a while. So I texted him saying I want to explain (our relationship is relatively new). But now he just seems irritated. Furthermore, he's still not at home because of work. He doesn't want to text about such issues. But I wish he wouldn't just ignore me. Yet, he's actually struggling a lot too, which is why he works so much. I just hope he cpntacts me soon, it's been a couple of days now :(

11-29-2015, 06:09 AM
Speaking to both of you here -

Being in a committed relationship is really tough when you are trying to heal yourself of anxiety Not that it is impossible, just very difficult since all your efforts need to be focused on what can help you versus taking into someone else s emotions and well being

It can become even more problematic when you depend on them to give you reassurance and confidence A perfect example is listed above when you allow yourself to get upset and start dwelling how someone may leave you if they are not acting the way you believe they should. If they have a few problems of their own, you go right to believing something is wrong between the two of you which causes stress to you both and the anxiety kicks in with a fury

I hope this makes sense My coffee consumption is not where it should be for me to be posting

I am not advocating to be single at this point in your life. Just that when you only have yourself to focus on, beating anxiety can be much easier

11-29-2015, 08:03 AM
Anxiety is an inner communication, (that something mentally is amiss), and is intimately tied in with outer expression.

Communication is an art form. Not always in history did man communicate with words, actually only recently (a few thousand years), man is billions of years old. Using words is in its infancy stages as words often cannot convey emotions or feelings as one would hope to express them. This is the reason for personal 'wars' in relationships, as well as between nations and races.

Often you start a sentence and have no idea of how you will finish it, and yet you do, but not in a way intended.

Now, what does this have to do with the orginal post? Everything.

Healing the past hurts and pain will not automatically lead you to your truth as far as expression through effective communication, this must be practiced. Another words, no pun intended, through healing false beliefs you will find your truth about who you are, but then you must find a way to express it effectively using words and body language.

Practice speaking your truth until you are proficient. Speak, listen, and truly hear. The 3 components you see. You must not judge, criticize, or filter what your hear from another through your own insecurity, beliefs, and false ideas about reality learned throughout the early years as the original poster gave us her history.

Healing that past clears the filter of debris standing in the way of ultimate fulfillment, clarity, and true expression (communication).

You will feel better about yourself, another words, including self esteem, and worth, which is creating the current struggles, so to speak, both outwardly and inside. That inner turmoil is what you call anxiety.