View Full Version : Lack of sleep and anxiety

11-25-2015, 03:05 PM
I have always been a terrible sleeper, wake up tireder than when I went to sleep also I have always been overly anxious. I have have also noticed the more tired I am the more anxious I am. Well I finally had a sleep study...I do not have final results but apparently I snore bad( who knew, since I live alone) and according to tech my legs move a mile a minute, it was so bad that when i woke up first time, Tech put a CPAP machine on me, she could tell I had severe sleep apenia(sp). Anyway I fell back asleep and slept better than I ever had,,,she removed all the wires from me while I was asleep and had to wake me up. I am waiting on "official diagnosis " so i can get a CPAP and kiss me sleeping pills good by. If this works out the way I hope I will eventually be able to kiss the Lex good bye also.

11-25-2015, 07:07 PM
Let us know how it turns out.