View Full Version : SOO SCARED

09-14-2008, 09:19 PM
I was told I have a faint heart murmur, along with that I have swollen legs from the knee down, They havent figured legs out yet until I go to the vascular surgeon in 3 weeks. I think now my legs have to do with a bad heart. I have lately been OBSESSING OVER MY LEGS and now my whole body. I have alsways had anxiety GENERALIZED, also OCD. All day I can never stay still or not think about dying. Even when i finally fall asleep I wake up every hour with nightmares and heart hurts and know everyday can be my last day here. I am 26 by the way, honestly losing it day bye day, plus no energy. I would try to get over it but legs keep hurting and its a constant reminder of health. I do have vericose veins which might have caused leg problems as well as ice cold feet and numbness and thats not the anxiety, thats the real deal. But mentally I am falling apart and I honestly belive I am really sick, because I really am. I think I will die soon and I AM SOOOOOO SCARED.........

09-15-2008, 12:10 PM
Hi Pokerguy, saw that no-one had replied yet and i know how it feels when you're reaching out and all you want is some words of comfort.
You'll have heard this before but it really is the best way...try to relax...deep breathing, reading to take you mind off stuff...do some exercise...anything. Try the deep breathing stuff...concentrate on your belly rising with your in breath and falling with your out breath.
You will be ok, these thoughts are your anxiety talking, recognise that...the disaster you imagine is a bluff by your anxiety....just relax, i'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation.
I can imagine that you're feeling low on energy, but then you aren't getting very much good sleep are you? You are definitely trapped in that cycle at the moment...but then i was as well just three weeks ago and i'm already feeling so much better...you too are only days away from feeling a lot better..just relax, accept your thoughts are just that...thoughts. I hope you can get a couple of good nights sleep under your belt, it'd do you the world of good!
All the best mate

09-15-2008, 12:15 PM
Hi Pokerguy!

I am so sorry for what you are gonig through!! We are here for you! Have you tried relaxation techniques? However, if your mind is going a zillion miles a minute, it can be tough.

Perhaps there is someone you can talk to? A therapist or someone close to you.

You will get through this!

When is your next doctors appointment? You might want to mention your worries to him/her.

09-15-2008, 12:22 PM

I can definitely relate to this, so your not alone. I wasn't diagnosed with a heart murmur, but I did have a stroke, whivch was due to SAH at the age of 27, this year. This is basically bleeding in the top of your head into the brain.

My condition was extremely sensitive and the odds were definitely against me. I was in the ICU for 2 weeks constantly being monitored. But in the end, I came out of it.

Prior to my incident, I had anxiety and panic attacks as well. No surpise that after going through what I did, my anxiety became more constant than before. But I try to control it.

Anyway, where I am going with this is that you have to think positive. There is no point in constantly thinking about your medical condition. Be strong and know you will get better, and you will. Have faith in your doctors and trust me, they will take care of you.