View Full Version : Anxiety and confused

Tom Mlaka
11-25-2015, 01:32 AM
I was fine a week ago until this Anxiety thing kicked in, yet I've had a ton of things racing through my head, but I have for a while now. Out of nowhere it hit me, I've gone through break ups and tough times many times before. Now i'm stuck in this unhappiness, constant feeling of feeling like shit. Get weird smells, weird feelings, numbness and tingling in my face. At the time this hit me, I felt fine, I went to work feeling fine. But my mind is always racing, thinking about responsibilities, bills just normal life things. I don't understand why this feeling won't go away, I've tried to put myself in a good mood and I revert to the same feeling.I refuse to take prescription pills, I think there's other ways to defeat this. Why can't I get rid of this feeling even when I want to be in a good mood?

cloudy black
11-25-2015, 03:33 AM
hello Tom Mlaka. when was the last time you gave yourself some personal quality time? i know in this busy modern life that is difficult. but when and it sounds like anxiety to me, hits you. you have to make time no good finding time because we never can find time. oh and btw TV is not as relaxing as you might think.. there are a couple of posts regarding the natural way of doing things one was about essential oils and another is diet. i believe that diet definitely has a big impact on the mood. when we keep on keeping on with the necessary crud of daily life and take no time out then you end up feeling shite. see this as an opportunity to make some positive daily life changes doesnt have to be big changes at the mo. but your shit as you say is a wake up call to make some changes.

Tom Mlaka
11-25-2015, 03:46 AM
When was the last time I gave myself quality time? That's a good question, because this is the first relationship i've been in where we spend pretty much 24/7 together. I don't watch much T.V. I have sports and walking dead I watch, that's it. I don't like the boob tube. As far as diet goes, I know I eat healthy, I don't eat junk food, fast food, preservites, gmo no crap for me. I buy mainly chicken and turkey with the exception of some red meat here and there.

cloudy black
11-25-2015, 04:18 AM
24/7 think about it have you got anything to say to each other! the diet sounds good. what about playing sport footie. team work and all that would take your mind off ruminating. well i have lost my way regarding food i eat shite at the mo cos its tooo much of an effort to make anything from scratch which is what i used to do. i never thought i would be like this. but hey its just a season i am going through, but i guess at least i am eating. talking of which i am going to go and have a big fry up. oh i am so naughty!! i will get off this bandwagon eventually but with the run up to chrimbo...

cloudy black
11-25-2015, 04:42 AM
just before i go for me full english grub ...oh check out the post by ponder called back on track. see what you think. try putting his name in the search box on the top right of this screen if you dont know where to find him. gotta go!