View Full Version : Anxiety Issues Relating To Competition and Performing

Neil Sharpe
11-24-2015, 10:58 PM
I have extensive experience with the issues of anxiety, fear and panic attacks within the context of disease management, health and well being, with a particular focus on cancer genetics.

I have served as a consultant in medical genetics/genetic counseling where the emotional and psychological aspects are critical, and am the author/Contributing Editor of textbooks and research papers.

I have just come across this wonderful forum and the invaluable resources available to its members.

I also am very familiar with issues relating to anxiety, panic attacks, and stage fright in the context of performing and competition.

If I may make a small contribution to these resources, I shall confine the following strictly to these issues as they relate to performing. These should not be taken to be, and are not intended as, a medical opinion or brief.

As noted elsewhere, I recommend Don Miguel Ruiz's book "Four Agreements". I have heard repeatedly from performers and business colleagues how much they liked, and gained, from this book. For example, one person I know who is very talented, but had significant anxiety issues throughout his career, said that this book, when coupled with techniques like focused breathing, really helped him.

Stage Fright
A few years ago, we were booked to play a private gig out in the country, when the lead singer suddenly had to cancel out. Because we didn't have time to find a replacement, the band took a vote and elected yours truly as the lead singer. I had done backup singing, but the lead...not a chance. However, with the gig looming, I had no choice, but to give it a try.

The practices went o.k., and the following Saturday afternoon, standing on a flatbed truck, I stepped up to the microphone under the glare of a blistering, summer sun. As soon as I started to sing, the pressure came hammering down. My heart went into overdrive. I had a hard time catching my breath. Broke out into a cold sweat. Couldn’t remember all the lyrics. In short, a full blown attack of stage fright, the first I had ever experienced.

However, that experience, and discussing this issue with performers who have recurrent issues with it, eventually led to me publishing a program for stage fright, that has been downloaded nearly 40,000 times, and can be found under the Google search item "Neil Sharpe Anxiety Emotions and Performing Well". If interested, access is free.

Performing and Competition
After publication of the Stage Fright material, over the years I received many questions about the emotional and psychological aspects of competition and performing (such as nerves, anxiety, fear of failure, self-doubt, panic attacks, and an often crippling lack of confidence).

Imagine a circle. When you compete and/or perform at your very best, the circle is 100 percent complete. However, when distractions get in your way (which includes nerves, anxiety, fear of failure and self-doubt etc.), each distraction removes a slice of the circle until you are performing at only a fraction of your potential.

By far, the most serious distraction is that voice in your head that shows up at the worst possible time to comment on how you're doing, to worry about you making mistakes, wonder what people are thinking about you, and so on.

It doesn't have to be that way.

I have a program that can be accessed for free. If interested, it can be found with the Google search item "Pressure Proof Virb".

It explains how to identify distractions and reviews step-by-step techniques (based upon comprehensive research) that can be done quickly and effectively anywhere, any time.

I hope the above will be of assistance. Thanks for your time and patience.

11-25-2015, 12:52 AM
Have you ever had a panic attack?
General anxiety disorder?
Performance anxiety?
Intermittent Explosive Disorder?
Psychotic episodes?
Bipolar disorder?
Split personality disorder?

Just curious, great post though man!


Neil Sharpe
11-25-2015, 08:46 AM
Thanks. The first three, yes, and as for bipolar, I served as a consultant to the society for a number of years.

As for the remainder, as noted, my comments were restricted to issues with anxiety relating to performing. And yes, as in any profession and activity, in music you can meet people with a wide range of issues, and we try to assist in every way we can.