View Full Version : o dear me another day in paradise

cloudy black
11-24-2015, 12:57 PM
gosh i am experiencing both anxiety and depression at the mo. today i went to see my Councillor but i am so flat that i find it difficult to talk and then im going off in different topic directions. i really do despair. the pressure in my chest is heavy and i wish that i could hibernate a kind of ground hog hibernation. i have had gad for the longest time and i have never really talked about it and i am thinking of going to get me some beers in. i just cant hack this crap. and now my jaw is feeling tense.

i don't go out apart from doing the must do things like paying bills and food and my stint of voluntary work. although today i did myself some beans on toast even though i knew the bread was going mouldy. up until 23 months ago i used to cook from scratch nothing fancy like but now unless it comes out of a jar or a packet then i just wouldn't bother to eat.

i really do hate the grey and the run up to chrimbo it just feels too much. the next time i will see anybody is likely to be thursday.