View Full Version : driving fears

09-14-2008, 09:02 AM
when i drive i usually fear that i would lose control and forget what im doing and forget how to move my arms or legs or w.e is it all in my head and do i need to start driving again to help me beat it??

09-14-2008, 09:24 AM
YES, your absolutely right, it's all in the mind.. you have to ACCEPT that it is simply a thought and nothing eles.. It doesn't mean that it will actually happen... Treat the thought like an awake nightmare, it's simply a thought.. everyone has thoughts.. What you must NOT do is obbess over the thoughts as this will feed the anxiety and it will only get worse.....the more you think about the fear, the more the thoughts will become real... Keep going my friend, you have to start driving again, it's so important..

09-14-2008, 03:17 PM
It's funny, I didn't used to get this but recently.. maybe over the past few months, I've felt very anxious whilst driving. For me it's more a case of worrying that I'll pass out at the wheel and lose control of the car rather than forgetting how to drive... but I can understand where you're coming from!

I think start driving again, regularly but not necessarily far, so that you feel happy knowing that you're familiar with it. Because you have a fear of losing control, you probably pay a lot more attention to what your body is doing. The less you concentrate on this, the easier you'll find it. Just keep in your head that you're getting from Point A to Point B. That's all.

09-14-2008, 04:00 PM
my job requires me to drive 2-4 hours a day mostly on the high way. It never bothered me in the past, but i have been stressed lately and have been having anxiety. my anxiety now increases when i drive because it is very boring and monotonous, and my mind just starts racing. to top it off, my friend recently crashed his car because of a panic attack while driving.