View Full Version : prozac and zyprexa... First day...Need help!

11-23-2015, 03:16 AM
Hey everyone,

Hope u all are doing well. Well I had been having anxiety and fear for past 2 years. Doctors put me on Mirtazapine 30 mg along with clonazepam 0.5 mg in day time. I was feeling a little better but after an year anxiety kicked in again. Racing thoughts and all those symptoms. So now doctor has asked me to quit the old medicines and take Prozac in day time and zyprexa in night time. Its my first day and am feelin so nervous and am all agitated. Will these medicines provide instant relief. Will they take time. Has anyone took these??

Please help me am panicing.


11-23-2015, 06:57 PM
Yes, these medications do take time to build blood levels to actually work, and help. Prozac, is awesome IMO. Not real familiar with the other, but I do know that it will not provide instant relief. You really need to return, and get an actual, true, real, (anti-anxiety) medication because the Prozac, although my favorite, can at times increase levels of anxiety before it actually lowers them.

You NEED a Benzo, quick acting, medication to stop, alleviate, ease, this anxiety Hun. Xanax works the quickest, Klonopin works the slowest. Xanax has a short half life (time to work) and Klonopin has a long half life (time to work). Klonopin is less addictive too. If Benzo's are not available, then something as cheap as Hydroxizine may also help too. If you are offered Buspar, then try to ask for something else. It is ancient, it is not a Benzo even though some may classify it as one, and few people actually feel as if the anxiety is eased, or alleviated at all. You will have more side effects, then positive results.

I hope that I have offered something positive and of use to you Hun.

Best wishes.
