View Full Version : Hate Having to Medicate at night to Make it through nthe night w/o Eating

11-22-2015, 10:30 PM
Like tonight I plan to already take my rx for sleep plus a few good OTC sleeping pills to accelerate the desired sleep effect even more quickly. Like hurrying up at night to get to Sleep. Then I experience these bizarre nightmares of all the anxiety issues which I have not discussed since I stopped therapy at my therapist's decision??? I really do want to re-enter therapy as I feel that much anxiety is related to issues which I haven't conquered as of yet...Well I haven't taken enough of my sleeping pills to fall asleep as of yet so I better "Hurry up and get to sleep." Night all.

11-23-2015, 04:45 AM
Hey 1Bluerose68,

If you haven't had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I suggest that you have up to 6 months of it. Google: "therapist; clinical psychologists; CBT; (your location)", preferably having an initial session with a few, then selecting the one you feel most comfortable with.

In the meantime, you could read: "How to Control Your Anxiety before It Controls You", by Albert Ellis, and "Feeling Good." The New Mood Therapy. Harper Collins.1999., by David D. Burns, M.D., from your bookstore, Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com

View my posts about anxiety and insomnia at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/1.html

You could try employing the EMDR variant, followed by Progressive Muscle Relaxation, in bed, after lights out, for their anti-anxiety effects.

Sleeping medications should only be taken for a few weeks, maximum, and preferably much less. It's highly inadvisable to also take OTC products at the same time, except under medical supervision.

If the nightmares seem to be recurring, or have a common theme, you could try the following:

Remember the troubling nightmare in as much detail as you can. Create a scenario in which you manage to prevail. "Tonight, in my dreams, I want to confront the ???/call on a dream ally for help". Write down your chosen form on a piece of paper, at least 3 times, and repeat 3 times aloud, after lights out, and visualise yourself doing it, as vividly as you can, and WANT TO DO IT!!!, with all the desire you can muster, to better communicate this concept to your subconscious mind, through imagery & emotional intensity, so it understands that this is important. Place the piece of paper under your pillow (metaphorically "sleeping on it"). Your subconscious existed before you could walk, or talk. It knows images, muscles/movement, and emotions: communicate with it in terms it can understand. It doesn't understand negatives, and everything is in the present tense to it; there is no past or future. When dreaming, try calling for assistance from a dream character - anyone, alive or long since passed on, even your favorite superhero is available to provide assistance, in the dreamstate. You can even try the technique of "dream re-entry", and use your new solution in that exact same situation. Try the above for 2 - 3 weeks; I believe there is a good chance they will work. Options, for later: Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or more alternatives along such lines are on page O at your-mental-health.8m.com, below where this came from. My experience, however, is that the subconscious mind will re-manifest them in a different form, until what it sees as the problem is satisfactorily dealt with. In dream analysis, we are taught that each character inhabiting a dream represents some part of us. It is an axiom that the sole judge of the interpretation of any dream/nightmare is the person who dreamt it. If the nightmare doesn't respond to the above, after a few weeks of trying that technique every night; then it is time to look deeper for the cause. You may benefit from looking at your normal waking life.

What problems, and decisions are there? Is there something you have been avoiding, or putting off? Your subconscious mind is trying to get you to focus on something which it considers is important, and resolve it. You could try asking for an answer in your dreams, as per the previous answer, writing it down 3 times, repeating to yourself in bed, after lights out, and focusing on wanting the answer. "Tonight, in my dreams, I want to remember what the figure is trying to tell me". This method, if it works, should do so in a week, or two. If not, hypnotictapes.com has one titled "dream the answer", but professional hypnotherapy is always much preferable. Many nightmares result from anxiety, so I suggest that learning to deal effectively with the anxiety in your normal waking life may well have a carryover effect into the realm of dreams. http://sfhelp.org/gwc/wounds.htm may be worth checking out, as well. I have noticed that, since I began using 100mg of 5-htp daily for anxiety, my dreams have become considerably less unpleasant. Eating some things, like large, hot, heavy, or spicy meals late at night, results in nightmares for some people, so be aware of this, and if you experience a nightmare, ask yourself what was it that you ate beforehand, and avoid such "nightmare triggers" in future, unless consumed early in the evening, or before. Avoid coffee/caffeine products within 6 hrs of bedtime; a list is on page F, at weebly.com, below. If you go to http://www.mercola.com and type "EFT" (and EFT therapists) in the taskbar provided, there is an affirmation on nightmares, and this technique is well worth trying, before paying for remedies or professional therapy, and if you give it a good try, but find it ineffective, the alternatives are still there for you to try. www.tapping.com has 13 free videos on it; also www.emofree.com. Read: Banishing Night Terrors And Nightmares: A Breakthrough Program to Heal the Traumas That Shatter Peaceful Sleep by Christopher Raoul Carranza and Jane Rogers Dill, from your bookstore, or Amazon.com More on hypnosis for nightmares is at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/o.html and effective natural treatments for anxiety are shown on pages 1, and i. If stressed, see page M. More about dream analysis is on page O. View http://www.dreammoods.com/dreaminformation/dreamtheory/perls.htm

Note that if the nightmares are PTSD related, the above may well prove insufficient. There is a quiz for the presence of P.T.S.D., via http://psychcentral.com. Some of the symptoms include "flashbacks", hypervigilance, sleep disorders, especially nightmares, and just staring blankly.

"The signature cluster of symptoms for PTS is the "re-experiencing" that takes the form of spontaneous repetitive flashbacks, nightmares and/or intrusive thoughts. These are not coming from the part of the brain where normal memories are stored, but are stuck in a more primitive, survival-based section of the brain, where they neither fade nor shift, but stay contemporaneous and current and terrifying. And you can't talk your way out of them with the best counselor or therapist in the world. Wrong chunk o' brain. You need imagery, hypnosis, acupoint release, energy work, etc etc. The other 2 symptom clusters of PTS - avoidance/numbness and alarm/ hypervigilance - can be symptoms of other conditions as well. But this is not so with re-experiencing."

Much more about PTSD is at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/q.html and if it proves to be the case, I suggest a course of EMDR therapy in preference to CBT. Also worth reading is: "The Tapping Cure: A Revolutionary System for Rapid Relief from Phobias, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and More", by Roberta Temes Ph.D., which you could consider getting with the others, above.

You may need to wean off some sleep medications, such as Seroquel.

11-23-2015, 04:51 AM
It seems that a duplicate posting occurred again as I was attempting to edit.

11-24-2015, 12:52 PM
Thanks, but really i think i just ate way too much FOOD before i hit the hay and therefore had a bunch of extra calories floating around in my stomach undigested.

Therefore , i had a multiplicity of unusual dreams as my body slowly digested these calories and broke down the food in my system. Then my body distributed equal amounts of Fat to every morsel of cell matter, slowly creating massive amounts of unwanted stomach cellulite.

i NOW must over exercise and under nourish myself to eliminate these ill side effects, and sticky amounts of unwanted fat and globulin all over my body.

The fat is currently taking over, and my every and most noticeable areas are now beginning to protrude with excess fat.

Thus, over eating prior to bedtime, probably is a bad idea. It will be a challenge for me to succumb to though, as this little habit inundates and controls me currently.

Oh well, so i'm getting REALLY PHAT, unless i increase my exercise????? Plus, in the horrible weather we're having, i'm Not sure, if i will be able to do that.

It will probably be easier for me to be like a big bear, and fast all Winter long , until the Spring. Then, come Spring, I shall have Total Control. Yes, Total Control, i said,,,,, over these mares which have haunted me,,,, all Winter long.......?????.

c/college ruleD
pero---yo soy---only a mule?
A Simpleton, that iz???
All A's---Yo Soy una Simpleton.....
Y I Don't Vanna Change Either.....
Nem Gracias