View Full Version : Need to go do my Weekly Shopping and Feeling Very Anxious over the Crowds.

11-21-2015, 12:44 PM
I am about to leave for Wal-Mart, but I feel so anxious before I leave the house. I think that there may be too many people at the store, and I feel anxious thinking of this scenario too.

I must go and buy the necessary weekly food items and a few other personal items and feel like I get so anxious before I leave. I must 1st ,make a list and then re-write my list and spell check it too. Then double check to make sure I have an asthma inhaler w/ me, and then I end up having to urinate 5 x before I may even leave the house.

Uhhhhhhh, and I feel guilty going to the store because I also have diet issues but during the holidays and just when bored I enjoy baking and gifting others w/ my baked goods. I have been very anxious since the beginning of my return to work this year.

Thank goodness that has inspired me to obsess over eating healthy foods like tuna every single day for lunch. 1 of my areas of anxiety is also Middle Age Spread. I want to be like the thin older women and yet have over weight Euro women on my side of the family too. So I must obsess extra hard and exercise even more so than my obsession to lose weight and stay w/in a healthy weight range Forever After I get there.....

11-21-2015, 04:59 PM
Blue tell me who does not, I hate shopping and crowds:((

11-25-2015, 05:43 AM
How was it? I hope it all went well.

Nic Marsella
11-25-2015, 08:22 AM
I hear you on that one. there is a Publix about 15 miles in the opposite direction of my condo that I go to specifically at about 730am on sundays or on my days off during the week because its completely empty. but also that's when the folks in the bakery have just put out fresh muffins, so it's not all bad ;)

11-25-2015, 11:12 PM
Yea, planning ahead really is the smart way to deal with avoiding triggers. It really is a hectic chore these days - I find picking the right times can almost make shopping an enjoyable event as opposed to entering into hell.

12-23-2015, 01:04 PM
I am about to leave for Wal-Mart, but I feel so anxious before I leave the house. I think that there may be too many people at the store, and I feel anxious thinking of this scenario too.

I must go and buy the necessary weekly food items and a few other personal items and feel like I get so anxious before I leave. I must 1st ,make a list and then re-write my list and spell check it too. Then double check to make sure I have an asthma inhaler w/ me, and then I end up having to urinate 5 x before I may even leave the house.

Uhhhhhhh, and I feel guilty going to the store because I also have diet issues but during the holidays and just when bored I enjoy baking and gifting others w/ my baked goods. I have been very anxious since the beginning of my return to work this year.

Thank goodness that has inspired me to obsess over eating healthy foods like tuna every single day for lunch. 1 of my areas of anxiety is also Middle Age Spread. I want to be like the thin older women and yet have over weight Euro women on my side of the family too. So I must obsess extra hard and exercise even more so than my obsession to lose weight and stay w/in a healthy weight range Forever After I get there.....

I see no problem with this...who enjoys going to Wal-Mart, the place is nuts. I prefer going early in the morning or late at night, fewer people...maybe a few extra freaks...but they are entertaining most of the time. Speaking as a single middle aged man...most of us in that category prefer a woman with with curves....get to a healthy weight and enjoy life.