View Full Version : How much Diazapem do you take at night to alleviate sleep panic?

11-21-2015, 10:58 AM
Hi; I've been taking 3 or 4mg of Diazepam a night to ward of the intense panic I feel at about 3am, it wakes me up and my mind is pulling in all directions.
These last few days i've had to take 5mg but for some reason, it's now not enough. Have you experience sleep panic in the middle of the night?
How much diazepam have you taken to alleviate it or did you use a different drug? I think mine is a mix of dependancy and psycholgical issues. Perhaps
increasing my Citalopram from 20mg a day to 40mg will help. Need to chase my doctor up to get a referral to a Psychiatrist.


11-21-2015, 01:36 PM
I think the increased citalopram is going to help greatly with that, but give it 4-8 weeks to see the full effects.

11-24-2015, 11:32 AM
ok, thanks. i've started my first day with 40mg today. as with taking the 20mg...i know it takes a while for the full benefit to kick in.
now if i could just understand why i panic at 3am. having to now take 10mg of Diazapem at night now, still a low does but boy does
my brain feel it if i don't take it/enough.