View Full Version : Waking Up and getting out of bed

11-21-2015, 07:49 AM
Some days, like today I struggle with the simplest of tasks. Waking up and getting out of bed nearly drains me. Once I get up, I struggle to find the motivation to do anything. I try to stay busy, to smile through the pain and not show anyone what I'm really feeling, but that doesn't work everyday. My husband doesn't understand it, and bless his heart, he tries so hard, but I don't know how to explain it to him. It's hard to tell someone you love that you're not happy, that you don't know what's wrong with you. Today is just one of those days...anyone else having a similar day?

11-21-2015, 09:03 AM
I had one of those days yesterday, and for most of the week. Yesterday I made the effort to get up and go to a lecture and every step was a struggle until I nearly cried walking to campus. Things only got worse but I eventually called my dad asking to come home. I try to be happy for him because it must be hard knowing that your child is so unhappy, but I know he'd prefer that I told him about it. I think keeping anxiety a secret makes it worse because you see everyone smiling and you hate the situation you're in and get more frustrated because you don't feel like everyone else. Have you tried writing down how you feel for your husband? (I find writing is easier because you can take the time to think about it) Or maybe showing him a video about anxiety? People close to us can try really hard to understand but it's difficult to imagine anxiety unless you've got it. As for waking up, have you tried having something to look forward to like your favourite cereal or shower gel? You could try waking up 15 minutes early and reading a book or playing on your phone to distract you and ease you into the day.

I hope you're having a better day. Take care :)

11-21-2015, 09:40 AM
You have clear signs of depression, more than anxiety, it sounds like. Talk to your doctor about it. It sounds like you have a good husband but you have to figure out how to enjoy being with him.

11-21-2015, 07:50 PM
Are you talking about me? lol. This is litterally me. No one in my family understands it, they think I'm just being lazy. But it's really hard to wake up - when you don't even have something to wake up for.

However, I read a book that helped me out alot lately. It's called "The War of Art". Don't mix it up with "The Art of War". I highly recommend you to read it. It talks about that resistance we feel when we do the simplest tasks, some techniques on how you can beat it and most important: why you should beat it.

Find something in your life worth putting time into, something you're really passionate about. Something you really like. Don't go with whatever, that won't hold - I can tell you from experience.

Good luck! :)


The Intolerable Kid
11-24-2015, 07:17 AM
I am. A windstorm damaged the uppermost portion of my 2 story home and I have to repair it before the weather gets bad tomorrow. Problem is, in addition to other anxiety, I have an extreme fear of heights. The roof is steep (probably 70 feet or so up) and there's a lot of work to be done, I break into a cold sweat just thinking about it. But it's Thanksgiving week, no one is going to be available to do the work in the next day, so it is on me to get it done. This will be a big anxiety obstacle to overcome, but I will try my best. I have all the materials I need, now I just need the courage to step out on that roof.
To address your general point, about just getting out of bed on a regular day, try breaking what you have to do into little mini goals. Little sections of your morning you need to get through, rather than getting overwhelmed by contemplating the looming threat of another day. It isn't a cure all, but it helps.