View Full Version : please tell im not going to..

09-14-2008, 08:30 AM
please someone reassure me that i wont forget how to walk,breath,think,talk,forget everything i know, move my arm,legs any moment, no matter how wierd it is right now.. i am Not on meds, i will be on 2 weeks, please

09-14-2008, 09:28 AM
As i said in the other post, you just have to accept the irrational thoughts as thoughts and nothing eles... oF course your not going to forget how to walk, breath, think or talk....your absolutely fine! You need to occupy your mind with structure so you mind doesn't drift.. go out with your friends and enjoy yourself!

09-14-2008, 11:58 AM
asd, if you want a chat.. msn me [email protected]

09-14-2008, 01:02 PM
Hey there. You WILL be fine. If you've identified these fears as irrational, you're a step ahead of those who have a problem but don't know what's wrong with them. It's hard to feel understood by people who don't have anxiety problems, but that's why these message boards are so great!! Its easy to share your problems with those who understand them. You will be fine. I have a few suggestions though to help you stop thinking about these thoughts.

1) Do ANYTHING to keep your mind of these irrational thoughts. When it gets real bad, start by keeping yourself in the present moment. I've found this to be helpful in situations where it's hard to do things like meditate or other things that may be suggested to help your anxiety. This is great for times when you're in a pinch and need a quick fix to stop these thoughts. For example, if you're at work and you're going crazy thinking about these things, then focus on EVERY single detail about the environment you're in. Take note of the colors you're looking at...wonder why they're colored the way they are instead of some other way (again, it sounds weird, but it keeps your mind occupied on things besides your negative thoughts). Notice the sizes and shapes of objects. Ask yourself why you never noticed it before. Try to think of the beauty in these objects and think about how "cool" something would look if it were shaped or colored differently. The piont of this is to OBSERVE EVERYTHING you can to keep your attention off bad thoughts. Then question your observations in a positive way to continue steering your thoughts in a different (and more positive) direction. I've found often times that when I'm really anxious or stressed I do this and it helps keep my mind off the initial bad thoughts...then I find that something usually "interrupts" my observations - maybe it's a coworker who starts talking to you, or a boss who has a question. Either way, these interruptions are good. Lots of times I find that I forget completely about the negative thoughts I had. And if they resurface go back to observing!!!

2) This one isn't for those times where you need help IMMEDIATLY to prevent you from freaking out, but overall start getting back into hobbies you may have lost interest in, or start a new hobby. I never used to read books because I read pretty slow for an adult and it may take me weeks to finish one book that other people could finish in a day. However, by doing something that takes up time, make this your "focus". If you play an instrument, make yourself learn something. Or if you are interested in art, try to draw, sketch, color, paint (it may sound crazy but some people get coloring books and make things the color they want, mix colors, etc. and it helps them by keeping their mind focused on something positive). Or like I recently tried, read! Even if it's an internet article or a gossip magazine, this helps you focus on somebody else's life rather than yours. But don't take gossip magazines too seriously. I honestly look at them as fiction with pictures of real people, because half the time the stories aren't true anyway.

Feel free to post back if you need help, more suggestions, or to let us know how you're doing. Your doctor will be able to help you out, so just take it one day at a time and realize that each hour that passes is an hour closer to receiving treatment. You've got a "finish line" in sight. Even if the doctors help isn't immediate you're on your way to getting relief from your problem, so congratulations!!