View Full Version : Apparently I have Anxiety according to the Doctor.

Tom Mlaka
11-20-2015, 01:53 PM
For 3 days i've had this urge to crack my neck, I get the shakes and it's hard to focus on people and talk to them. I feel like I took some sort of amphetamine. Feel like i'm going 100mph but everything is fine according to the Doctors, they told me it was anxiety. Why do I have this urge to move my neck, it feels stiff and like I need to crack it constantly to get that feeling to go away for a little bit. But I woke up today with the same feeling, it didn't come on suddenly, I woke up with it. Nothing has changed since last night. My hands tremble, talking to people is impossible cause I feel like they'll think i'm on something the way i'm shaking. Is this Anxiety or can it be something else.

11-20-2015, 02:52 PM
It sounds like anxiety. It could be brought on by added stress. Try relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, massage, or even just going for a walk in nature. Take deep breaths - 5 second inhales and exhales. Stay away from screens as much as possible and read soothing materials before bedtime. Essential oils and lighting candles can also be helpful. Some people find coloring relaxing, too. Really anything that quiets your mind will help.

I know meditation is hard to get into but really it makes a difference. Even if you can only start out at 5 minutes at a time, it's better than nothing. Try it out for just 5 minutes a day for a few days and see if you notice any differences. It's free and it's the most effective thing you can do for anxiety. Used in combination with other things, it's even better!