View Full Version : Short of breath and tight heavy chest all day long...

11-19-2015, 08:29 PM
I am going through my third season of anxiety and my main symptom is shortness of breath. I get it as soon as I wake up in the morning. This season of anxiety began right after I had an ovarian cyst rupture and it makes me wonder if my anxiety is related to the hormonal change.
Anyway, the shortness of breath is so hard to live with. I feel like someone is laying on my chest and I'm trying to get a deep breath every 5-10 minutes and when especially stressed and worried about it, even more frequently. When I get a deep breath, it feels like my lungs will only expand to a certain point and then there's a pop or a barrier there.
does anyone else get this? Sometimes I can't get the deep breath and then it makes me panic.
I've noticed the tight chest feeling will sometimes move to my neck and it feels like my throat is tight or really bad reflux. I've also noticed when I lay down flat and then get up my chest feels extra heavy sometimes, almost like there's fluid in my lungs.
Does anyone else deal with similar symptoms?

11-20-2015, 12:21 AM
I get this too and it can be scary. I would go to the doctor if you can just to make sure it isn't fluid in your lungs and that your heart electricity is okay, I had to do that last night. Is yours worse when lying down? I feel like there is a stack of books on my chest, but only on the left side, and it's worse when lying down and lying down on my left side. If the doctor can rule out anything serious, maybe try a naturopath who can check your hormone levels. That's my next step! Good luck to you, hope you heal up soon!

11-20-2015, 08:57 PM
I get this too and it can be scary. I would go to the doctor if you can just to make sure it isn't fluid in your lungs and that your heart electricity is okay, I had to do that last night. Is yours worse when lying down? I feel like there is a stack of books on my chest, but only on the left side, and it's worse when lying down and lying down on my left side. If the doctor can rule out anything serious, maybe try a naturopath who can check your hormone levels. That's my next step! Good luck to you, hope you heal up soon!

Thank you for replying! It really helps to know I'm not the only one. I have a doctors appointment on Dec 1 but until then I'm just assuming it's anxiety and trying to stay calm and do my deep breathing and continuing to pray for deliverance. My brick feeling on my chest is all over and will occasionally move up into my neck and throat. It's there most of the time, but sometimes it's less and sometimes it's more. Stress makes it worse and tighter. Uncomfortable situations make it worse. But sometimes just being at home watching tv it can be really bad for no apparent reason at all.
If you have any more helpful tips, please send them my way!