View Full Version : dreams...cant sleep

Nic Marsella
11-18-2015, 07:39 AM
I just woke up in a full blown panic attack about an hour ago from a terrible dream....couldn't catch my breath, sweaty, pounding heartbeat, terrified...I don't need to post the symptoms, you all get it...nobody is picking up the phone and I just feel really alone right now, on top of everything else.

11-18-2015, 08:36 AM
Ugh I'm sorry! What a crappy way to wake up. Hang in there, work on taking nice deep slow breaths. You're not alone. :)

11-18-2015, 08:55 AM
It happens...you just have to get a grip and remind yourself it was not real. Also if this happens often ask your Dr for something to help with sleep. I no longer wakeup fighting with doors or throwing lamps across the room...occasionally sleep walk...but no more night terrors.

Nic Marsella
11-18-2015, 10:50 AM
I have to be at work in 2 hours. the anxiety wore off thank goodness. and thank you for leaving replies. it feels good to know it aint just me. but still kind of freaked out and nervous from before. that lasts the whole rest of the day.