View Full Version : extreme worrying

09-13-2008, 10:40 PM
How powerful is your mind. Can it make you feel sicker than you really are, can it make you sooo tired. I have some medical problms like swelling legs, and a slight murmur I am 26 and think i WILL DIE I CANT COPE WITH LIFE SOME SUPPORT PLEASE. I made it short and sweet no detail to nervous to type.....ps I AM GOING NUTS :o

09-13-2008, 10:50 PM
Its your anxiety playing with your mind, it does it to me as well but when I go back to normal all those stupid thoughts piss me off. :evil: Hang in there man, 2 nights ago I thought I was convinced I was going crazy or turning into schizophrenic but its not true. Hang in there buddy. :console:

09-13-2008, 11:25 PM
TY MAN I need all the support, you are a thoughtful person ty for the response means alot to me

09-14-2008, 03:33 AM
The mind is EXTREMELY powerfull, you can almost convince you have anything.. Everyone worries, and worrying enables people to make positive steps towards there life, whether it's in the workplace or at home. Worrying only becomes a problem when you simply are unable to do things and your life is hold because of the worry... I worry alot, but i just keep plodding along, ive accpeted that this is who i am, and you've just got to keep going :) i find that being a worrier is some what good, it shows your a caring and sensitive person....

your not going nuts my friend, it's just you!, and it's bringing all the side effects such as the tiredness etc... What you need to is simply try as hard as you can to live life the best you can and i promise you, eventually you will get better... time is the biggest healer.

09-16-2008, 12:20 AM
The mind is damn powerful. Mine has certainly driven me to edges farther than the last with every anxiety attack I get. That's why you have to use that same overwhelming power to overcome the worry.

When you have intense moments of worry, just remember to breathe. Those moments suck, but you CAN, and WILL get through them. For me, I get these moments when I'm about to go to sleep (this happens half the time, and is incredibly frustrating): a negative thought will strike, send my brain into "oh shit I'm gonna die die die fuck fuck fuck" mode, and I'll jump out of bed. My heart will race, but I force myself to turn the light on, sit straight up and BREATHE. I go from there, and usually end up texting someone for support. Sometimes it takes minutes, other times hours to calm myself down. But remember to BREATHE, most importantly. Go from there in the way you cope with your anxious moments.