View Full Version : Sibling rivalry! Sister faking anxiety disorder!.

cherry 123
11-15-2015, 01:01 PM
Ok so I have depression, anxiety disorder, insomnia and other psychological issues. I always had sibling rivalry with my elder sister but the rivalry was always from her side. So I've always been depression prone personality with insomnia and extreme anxiety problems basically I was always a hyperactive and introvert kid but my sister was a calm and introverted kid. Let me tell you about our sibling rivalry she was jealous of me since I was a kid and I wasn't even aware of it unless she herself admitted it infront of me. She always copied my drawings and musical compositions, even tries to copy my way of singing. She even wrote a song on me stealing away attention and spotlight from her. I left drawing because of her, whenever my Dad would praise me or call me creative she would beat me up and I would sit alone and cry inside the cupboard she tortured me really hard so that I leave drawing. So I got into Chronic depression (my doctor's guessing that I'm bipolar), anxiety disorder and insomnia since 5 yrs. Recently my sister observed me and started faking anxiety disorder she keeps on changing her anxiety disorders she diagnosed herself with 9 anxiety disorders first she had OCD, PTSD, GAD etc now she has hypochondria. She smiles and proudly says that she's suffering with anxiety disorder. It's actually annoying cause when I get anxiety attacks and panic attacks she cries and says nobody gives me attention and I have so many mental disorders!. I once got a panic attack and she started shouting at me it made my condition even worse :(. She says that she's very creative that's why she has an anxiety disorder. Also once she was texting a friend and she was laughing then she said you know what I got a panic attack, a second ago seriously who laughs while having a panic attack?. I find it triggering that people simply diagnose themselves with mental disorders because they want to stand out, get attention or to feel "creative". Please don't get me wrong I love my sister it's just that she treats me badly,especially when I get anxiety, I know that she doesn't have any disorder because she keeps on changing anxiety disorders also she never got any anxiety attack/panic attack she has always been a calm person but recently after I opened up my problems she is faking anxiety disorders. Also she's stealing my friends and speaks shit about me. Honestly, I understand sibling rivalry but faking anxiety disorders is too much.

11-16-2015, 06:49 AM
What gender are you, and what is your age gap?
Why is your sister behaving this way? Surely she can't be doing evil without some kind of incentive. Or, perhaps she really does have some kind of behavioural disorder?

The kind of advice I would give - that is, to stay away from your sis - may not really be applicable in your situation. Although you may not be able to dispel the presence of your sister, you may in fact be able to avoid her. Judging by your description, I'll assume her presence gives you a bad vibe, perhaps even triggering a fight-to-flight. If this is the case, I suggest you learn belly breathing to cope when under pressure. There are also breathing techniques which help insomnia.
Sorry you are going through this.

cherry 123
11-16-2015, 11:42 AM
What gender are you, and what is your age gap?
Why is your sister behaving this way? Surely she can't be doing evil without some kind of incentive. Or, perhaps she really does have some kind of behavioural disorder?

The kind of advice I would give - that is, to stay away from your sis - may not really be applicable in your situation. Although you may not be able to dispel the presence of your sister, you may in fact be able to avoid her. Judging by your description, I'll assume her presence gives you a bad vibe, perhaps even triggering a fight-to-flight. If this is the case, I suggest you learn belly breathing to cope when under pressure. There are also breathing techniques which help insomnia.
Sorry you are going through this.

In Reply to what you have written:-

We have an age gap of 3 yrs BTW I'm a girl. I seriously try my best to avoid her, you're absolutely right I get negative vibes from her she always pushes my triggers to a point where I feel like self harming (I've even sort of done that). I've tried discussing all this with my family but they obviously think I'm wrong and they shout at me. I don't think she has any behaviour disorder, cause if she had we would've noticed the differences in her behaviour. The reason she does all this is because of the sibling rivalry, she is basically insecure and wants attention, sympathy (she likes it when people feel sorry for her) also she wants to feel unique, special etc. She calls herself insomniac to irritate me but trust me she has a bad routine she stays up all night talking to her friends even after that she sleeps nicely and gets atleast 6-7 hrs of sleep and I've observed that with my own eyes cause I can't sleep at night.

11-16-2015, 07:25 PM
This sibling rivalry you speak of, hasn't really been evident in my childhood (I'm assuming you're in your teens), so I can't really relate. I guess you should try to lower your base stress by means of practising belly breathing, atleast 2-3 times a day. You will be surprised as to how this technique curtails the anxiety triggers. A psychologist is essential for these kind of situations; I hope you're seeing one.