View Full Version : Had a Panik Attack @ Work and now feel like Crawling Inside My Skin!!!!!!!!!

11-14-2015, 09:48 PM
I had too many weird things occur last week all in 1 week a t my 1 school where i worked. I had a meltdown finally and now feel so embarrassed that i lost my Total Self Control over this Total Pest that I feel like Disappearing off the Face of the EARTH....

11-15-2015, 06:46 AM
Hey I get that crawling , tingling sensation inside my skin , have had it for years. I think when you get to that point , your anxiety has been pretty high for awhile. You are run down and need to rest and do some deep breathing, we tend to not breathe properly. Don't feel embarrassed , people have done lots worse things then I am sure you have done. Give yourself a break and say frig it.. I have had that feeling of wanting to disappear too...lol.. not a nice feeling.. Face the Fear and the Fear will disappear .. really at the end of the day.. life will go on . hugs

11-15-2015, 06:02 PM
Hey, sorry that happened. I know it is difficult, but don't be too hard on yourself. I can imagine feeling super embarrassed and vulnerable at work after that, and it sucks that you cannot always put on the face that you want to - especially in a work environment - but you were dealing with a lot, and it happens. I hate that icky embarrassed feeling that you are talking about, but whenever I have it I try to remind myself that I am who I am, and that even if it is super uncomfortable when people can see through the cracks sometimes good things can come from it. Just knowing that you can survive it, and that your relationships don't completely fall apart can give you a sense of security.

For example, a couple years ago I was struggling with some pretty severe anxiety that went on for months, effected my sleep and my work. I still think back to work scenarios that still make me cringe when I think how much better I could have handled them sans anxiety. But the fact is, I was who I was, and in some ways I see that period of anxiety as something that was inevitable. Those moments are still embarrassing, but as uncomfortable as they were at the time, and as stupid/incompetent as I feel like I looked, I am still working at the same place, and am still friends with the people I work with. Now, when I feel anxiety coming on, and am worried about how it will effect my work, and can tell myself that I have already survived this. And I have greater trust and security in my relationships with these people, because they have seen me when I was not my best, and still put up with me. I would be less secure in these relationships if I had managed to put on a strong/competent face all the time, because I would always wonder if anyone would put up with me if they saw my less flattering side.

I recognize that I am lucky to have really supportive coworkers who are also good friends, tho, and if that isn't your case, it might be different for you. But I hope you can at least take it easy on yourself, and it is possible the people you work with with be understanding. Anxiety and mental health disorders are not uncommon, so chances are at least someone with 'get it.'

Let us know how things are at work for you!

lady grantham
11-17-2015, 03:44 AM
panic attacks are horrible!

I've had plenty of bad ones recently that have made me believe i'm dying or something.

terrible stuff

11-17-2015, 03:56 AM
You'll get through this. And listen, the next time you'll experience an anxiety attack it would be useful to know what to do. Are you familiar with mindfulness meditation? You can put it to great use when you're struggling to keep yourself calm through an anxiety onset.