View Full Version : can't taper off 3mg diazepam

11-14-2015, 09:48 AM
Hi folks.
I take 3mg (sometimes 4mg) every evening before bed.
If I don't take it, I will normally bolt upright at 3am, waking up with intense panic which lasts a couple of seconds; my mind pulling in all directions.
3mg seems to be the lowest I can go without this happening. I am under the care of a doctor, but just looking for advice on why this perhaps happens?!
or how I am ever going to get off diazepam. Has this ever happened to you? is the intense panic due to receptors 'expecting' the valium, but not getting it!?
I feel my doctor doesn't understand, and I want to consult a professional psychotherapist.

thanks in advance.

11-14-2015, 12:55 PM
You doctor should be able to tell you why this happens if you ask about it and ask for help for it, or ask for a referral to someone who can explain it to you. Obviously it's not a good thing to happen and you need to find out why it happens. I'm sorry this isn't a lot of help, but I hope you feel better soon

11-14-2015, 01:05 PM
thanks! --- i have asked my doctor and he doesn't know; i'm not sure what professional is best to be referred to.