View Full Version : Anxiety about the passing of time?!

11-13-2015, 09:47 AM
So first here is some background information about myself. I'm a 21 year old male and I have been struggling with anxiety and depression since May of this year. It was really bad for the first 4 months. I experienced general anxiety, panic, OCD intrusive thoughts, derealization, depersonalization, and depression. But through reading and learning about my condition I was able to make steps out of all of that mostly by accepting it and patience. And now I would say I'm doing really well. The only symptom I have left is some anxiety here and there.. Especially about time passing.

What I mean by this is that it feels like time is literally flying by me every day. Almost everyday I wake up and think to myself "wow it's another day already". Now while I'm at work instead of the time going by slowly like it would for most people, it zooms by. Before I know it I'm on my way home 9 hours later.

Has anyone else experienced this? Have I just become too aware of time? I haven't seen this sort of symptom talked about anywhere. I've googled the heck out of it!

11-13-2015, 11:28 AM
When things are going well, and you're interested in what you're doing, time passes by fast. But if you're in a job you hate, trust me, time goes by very slow. If it bothers you that time passes by fast, well, a lot of people with no anxiety issues feel that.

Nic Marsella
11-18-2015, 10:57 AM
I feel that way every day. I've been dealing with the whole gamut of GAD and agoraphobia for so long now it's hard for me to make plans or even have hopes to do anything outside of my comfort zone. time flies by so fast that I feel like i'll never catch up some days. i'm 36 years old, not married, haven't gone out with a woman in over 9 months and it feels like this whole cycle is never going to change. I feel you, my brother.

lady grantham
11-19-2015, 03:53 AM

I wanted to reply to this thread with my own comments- hope that's okay:

for me, my anxiety limits me in so many ways- and time passing is deffenetly a worry for me.

I can't get out- because of agoraphobia, I can't talk to anyone because of extreme social phobia- and when I find out that it's the end of the day, or it's in a later month than I originally thought- it ends up stressing me out

I realise that I've accomplished absolutely nothing in the past day, month, year, what ever it is. that depresses me, then makes me anxious, then stresses me out.

I wish I could enjoy life, I really do. but with all these limitations.. I feel like i'm in some kind of simulated life- this can't be it surely.

right now it's almost Christmas, and i'm faced with the feeling of accomplishing nothing in 2015. nothing at all. while everyone around me seems to have a life and is enjoying themselves, i'm here thinking.. well why. why has the year been so bad?. (and gone so fast)

The Intolerable Kid
11-19-2015, 06:37 AM
Go to Wikipedia and type in timeline of the far future. I think you might appreciate the perspective and it is very interesting. I often look around and think that everything surrounding us, everything we're made of will one day be completely obliterated. Rendered back to particles as the sun consumes the Earth. The longest lasting things people have made will be deep space probes that manage to escape from the solar system.

11-19-2015, 09:02 AM
Anxiety makes me watch the clock more. I guess everyone is different.