View Full Version : First time poster - work problem

11-12-2015, 04:09 PM
Hi guys,

apologies for posting a new thread so quickly i have searched through but haven't seen a thread addressing my particular problem.

I have had GAD/Social anxiety/low level depression for about 10-12 years. At various times i've been medicated and am currently taking a combination of Lyrica and Lexapro.

Over the last 2 months I have gone through a particularly bad time and have leant heavily on my companies "work from home" and "unlimited days off" policies. In other words i've been out of office (although working to some degree) quite a lot. I have a good job and salary and report to the C suite.

My company is a start up transitioning to a medium sized company and despite having healthy attitudes about things like playing pool during work, or beers in the evening, i know the attitudes to mental health are very very bad.

As a result i have explained away my absences with viruses, gastro problems and basically a bad immune system. (This is a partial lie although I do experience most of these symptoms as a result of anxiety. My GP has been helpful and written a letter to work saying that i have had repeat viral infections that he has been treating me for. (he is fully informed about both my anxiety/depression issues and how i wish to hide them from work).

After last week where i was out for 5 days, my manager has said the head of HR would like me to see the "work doctor" i.e. the GP work are using. I'm obviously panicking as i can't tell him the truth (i'd rather quit my job) but at the same time i don't think telling him the story that has passed with colleagues will work.

Any advice before i hand in my notice would be so much appreciated.



11-12-2015, 06:59 PM
I think the work doctor would still have to respect patient confidentiality. I don't think he can tell your manager anything you don't want him to know. Don't do anything drastic, you don't know what's going to happen. Maybe the work doctor can even help you out, assure your manager that you need time off for various health problems or refer you for therapy and help with medication.

I hope you feel better

11-12-2015, 07:52 PM
Well, you've done a pretty good job of blaming your health issues on things that really can't be disproved..i.e. viruses, poor immune system, etc. You might be able to talk to the work doctor and get away with it. However, to stay with this company, you're going to have to figure out a way to spend more time in the office. See if the doctors can help you with that. You have a Lyrica script, which means you're being treated for something for that. (it's used for more than just depression)