View Full Version : New To Anxiety. Please Help.

11-12-2015, 12:45 PM
I have just recently (that I can recollect) learned that I have an anxiety to medical problems. I have this sinking feeling in my heart, chest and head that something will happen to me while I'm sleeping, or anytime my heart rate goes up. To shed a little light, I'm 17 with a daughter, single mother, working 3 jobs and going to school, so things are not easy, and this anxiety is just bringing me down terribly. I hate it, and I just wanted to know some coping techniques, or how to get to sleep.. Thank you..

11-12-2015, 03:28 PM
I have just recently (that I can recollect) learned that I have an anxiety to medical problems. I have this sinking feeling in my heart, chest and head that something will happen to me while I'm sleeping, or anytime my heart rate goes up. To shed a little light, I'm 17 with a daughter, single mother, working 3 jobs and going to school, so things are not easy, and this anxiety is just bringing me down terribly. I hate it, and I just wanted to know some coping techniques, or how to get to sleep.. Thank you..

As for coping. Just understand that your anxiety is a perfectly normal and healthy response to elevated adrenaline levels caused by prolonged stress.

Try and accept that this is merely a temporary state and that given time, it will pass.

Try not to worry about the symptoms, however unpleasant. Rather, just accept them as a temporary symptom and they will soon pass.

With regards to sleep, try drinking camomile tea before bed, spraying your room with the scent of lavender also helps.

11-12-2015, 07:04 PM
There are breathing and meditation techniques you can try. Sometimes when I've got racing thoughts, writing it down helps to get it out of my head. There's also therapy like CBT that you can get if you see your GP. You'd be surprised how common anxiety is, and although it's really unpleasant, you're not alone :)