View Full Version : anxiety is at a new time high level for me

11-11-2015, 10:01 PM
Hi all...I have been experiencing severe anxiety for the last 2 weeks or so. My husband started a new job a few months back and he's still in training and now he's sick and even though he hasn't missed work yet all i worry about is him being let go because he got sick (he's still in his probation period). i don't work so he is the sole breadwinner and he just got this job. honestly i don't know what i would do if he loses it :( he has been unemployed and under employed for about 4 years now...right before he got this job we were broke, on food stamps, and considering moving back to his home state. It was BAD. Now i am afraid we will lose it all over again. Please...any advice? Thank you.

11-12-2015, 08:48 AM
Even a person without anxiety issues would be somewhat anxious with this situation. Just keep reminding yourself that worrying is not going to change the outcome of this situation, so just let it be and deal with it when it happens. I know, easier said than done! Try to distract yourself with something that you find interesting.

11-12-2015, 09:55 AM
thank you for the advice. i will try distracting myself and good news...my husband went to work today so i hope that means he is getting better! i was still sleeping when he left.