View Full Version : Feeling Nervous Today

11-11-2015, 09:25 AM
First time posting here!

I am giving to nervousness and had been doing good but a few months ago my bf of 8 years cheated on me and I had to move back in with my parents(who are not getting on great at the min) so I am not as independent as I was when I was living with my bf.

I hadn't been feeling that nervous just the usual amount if I was going somewhere but last night I woke up in the middle of the night and just couldn't get back to sleep and just felt awful (nervous, sick feeling and teary etc) I think it is because next weekend going to a friends wedding and the week after going on a break away with my best friend. I think the thought of going to the wedding is making me feel like this even though I am going down to it with another friend and staying in the same place but it will be the first time at something like this without my ex bf even though I know I will be fine and after it I will have been like why was I worrying so much and regret not enjoying it. Think I am afraid of being left alone because I would have a hard time talking to people. I am afraid that they will think why is she talking to me or what is she on about. I don't want to spend the next week feeling like this!!

Anyone any tips to help me??

Thanks :)

11-11-2015, 09:47 AM
Yes, go to your friends wedding, nervousness and all and have a great time. Try not to pay your anxiety/nerves the attention they crave, this only feeds the problem and makes things worse.

Instead just try and recognise and accept that you are experiencing a temporary sensation and given time and acceptance, it will past.

11-11-2015, 05:27 PM
Hi im sure im not doing this right i know nothing about forums or computers but was looking for help from real people and not just reading symptoms. I clicked on general disscussion and it put me here. If im in the wrong place please send me where i need to be. I have had a long history with anxiety but my dad has passed about a month ago and it has flaired up beyond control, none of the people i know understand although they try to help, my dad was my whole world and best friend i am 29 and expected to have many more years with him. Long story short im looking on ways to cope with anxiety, to be more specific i feel like i am having heart palps and heart attacks doing the most simple tasks been to doctors who confirm a healthy heart but my mind wont except it, am i alone on this or is this common. Again i am sorry if i posted this in the wrong place i hope i can find my way back to see a response or two thanks in advance

11-11-2015, 05:32 PM
It's not surprising you're having anxiety, considering what you've been through. Some people find meditation helpful, some medication, some yoga and some a combination of things. Is there a therapist you can talk to?

11-11-2015, 08:33 PM
It's not surprising you're having anxiety, considering what you've been through. Some people find meditation helpful, some medication, some yoga and some a combination of things. Is there a therapist you can talk to?

Well ive been dealing with anxiety for about 10 years this is kind of my first real attempt to reach out didnt really want to go straight to a psyc. Recent events have flaired up my symptoms however i guess im just looking for comfort from people who experience it. Knowing what others are going through i think would be enough to put my mind at ease, knowing im not going crazy and im not alone. None of my friends have had false symptoms of a heart attack and look at me weird when i mention it. They dont understand that even though its just in your head that it can cause such real feeling symptoms. I guess what im asking is, is this a normal symptom of anxiety and also i know the panic attacks cant be stopped but what are some tips to accepting them till they pass

11-12-2015, 08:45 AM
Yes, it can seem very real for those with anxiety! I think the best thing you can do is keep reading this forum. The more you read, the more you will see that there are many others just like you.