View Full Version : Sanity check before I see the docs

11-11-2015, 03:17 AM
6 years ago I got a load of vertigo and eventually got a diag of meniere's disease. It eventually settled down but I never really felt like it was the right diagnosis. I still can't jump on trampolines or anything like that but I don't get vertigo any more really. However I constantly feel ill and have to miss social events and the like due to whatever hyperacusis or dizziness or whatever else I have at the time.

Then from Jan 2015 to May 2015 I started getting odd headaches, scalp numbness, feeling of swollen tonsils etc. Had to spend a couple of days in bed to avoid vertigo. When I saw the doc he couldn't offer any explanation. Saw him again and explained that I felt it all added up to something else, when you look at all the symptoms, it does look like MS, or depression or anxiety, or... lots of things fit all this. Including menieres.

That doc told me some things that were clearly rubbish so I saw another doc and he said these symptoms will not go away until you address the anxiety. I already told him that although I knew I was anxious about it it was really just anxious with the doctors because they never listen and just send me away without real interest in helping me. I gave him substantial pointers to possible underlying causes but that seemed to be ignored although he did do a few neuro tests on me.

Still I gave him the benefit of the doubt, I learned about anxiety, and slowly some of the symptoms subsided. But not all of them

Since then In the last 5 months or so I have had no CONSCIOUS anxiety or depression whatsoever, I've been mentally completely fine, still getting days when I feel ill, but whenever that happens or whenever symptoms pop up, I just ignore them and get on with it. I didn't spend any time googling symptoms or visiting health pages, just got on with life as best I could.

Yet still the symptoms come up and they seem to relate to muscle strains in the neck. Menieres attacks also correlate with that. I'm now 99% sure that I have some kind of impacted nerve probably in the neck and I think thats caused certainly the recent symptoms and probably also the more long term menieres symptoms.

But how on earth do you go to a doctor and say look, I've addressed the anxiety, I don't get depression any more, I've been ignoring symptoms and getting on with life, but the symptoms are still coming back ?

If I say that to the doctor why would he believe me ? For every 100 people with anxiety probably 99 of them struggle to accept it. Why would I be that one percent?

I'm just feeling really concerned (I didn't use the word anxious there) that they will just give me a load more BS about anxiety and not do the proper tests that could spot any problems.

How would you approach this ?


11-11-2015, 08:35 AM
In the past, I have gone to several doctors for the same thing. If the first one doesn't address it properly, I go to another doctor, or a specialist. I'm glad I've done this! My first sleep doctor said I had NO sleep apnea, but I knew that wasn't right and the second doctor found I did have it. (my first result was a false negative). Don't give up until you get thoroughly checked out, get all the answers you need, and they you can either rule in or out anxiety.

11-13-2015, 03:14 AM
Thanks Anne, I'm going to try the same doctor one more time and then switch if no luck. The reason being that to go to a new doctor and say hey look all these doctors are wrong will you please get it right, that gets more and more difficult every time you see a new one. Its like an "Anxiety trap" where once they say you have anxiety you could go there with cancer or a broken leg or anything and they'd simply say no you have anxiety now go home.

11-13-2015, 11:36 AM
I don't tell new doctors about the other doctors. I just tell them my symptoms and then see what they say. It's amazing to me how different one doctor is from another!!

11-19-2015, 02:13 AM
Thanks again, my visit was reasonably successful and they agreed to do some xrays which is a start. I still feel that these doctors do not take the time to properly analyse complex symptoms and they may be missing things as a result, so I will run with it for now and then change next time we hit a stop.

Edit: by the way, in the uk, when you change doctors the new doctor gets access to all the notes saved by the previous doctors, whether you like it or not. I'm not sure about private doctors, but on the NHS, thats how it seems to be.