View Full Version : school..

09-13-2008, 03:36 PM
well i missed a week of school, and i absolutly have to go to school monday, i am pretty nervous about it, at school i felt panic attacks anxiety, to a point i am scared to go to school, will i be ok, if i just through the depersonlization like symptoms, and breathing problems ( feel like icant get in enough air and im going to die) those are the worse parts that i face, because the DP makes me feel like im going to lose all my body functions, forget how to walk talk breath swallow move my arms legs to think, ect. i feel detached from my body is this possible that i can lose those functions??

09-13-2008, 06:51 PM
Hey there mate.. Just to let you know, you SHOULD go to school on monday, it's so important! The more you stay at home, the more the symptons will increase......When you feel in a state of DP, try not to let this get to you, simply accept that it is a sympton of anxiety and continue with the day, the symptons will then naturally decrease....Exposure is SO important in recovery...