View Full Version : Anxiety and Panic Attacks for five years - caused by hormone imbalance

11-10-2015, 04:44 AM
Hi all, I've had very bad panic attacks, anxiety and - oddly - public transport phobia for over five years gradually worsening to the point I've had to work from home. I had tried everything - therapy, meditation, sedatives, changing my diet..the list is endless. My GP/Doctor was also useless which really added to the helplessness. Finally, a couple of months ago, after coming to the point of exhaustion I thought that just maybe this could be a hormone imbalance. So I did my own research and found out that progesterone is a relaxant hormone and symptoms of an imbalance include anxiety. So I went on a progesterone only pill and my anxiety ie thinking negatively constantly and being jumpy, went away within two days. I have been on this contraceptive pill for about six weeks now and I have managed to do things that would give me crippling anxiety before. I don't panic in crowded places, I go on the train, I even went for a job interview two hours away in front of a panel. I feel normal again. There are still bouts of minor anxiety, but normal to what I felt before all of this happening and definitely not debilitating. SO..my advice is if you're female and have anxiety, maybe have a blood test and see if you have a hormone imbalance. Good luck :)

11-10-2015, 12:51 PM
And if your a dude, watch Goodfella's on Blueray to help boost that testosterone as you may also be suffering a hormone imbalance..:)