View Full Version : One of those lovely "Why am I even anxious?" weeks!

11-09-2015, 01:30 PM
You guys know what I mean - when you're anxious about something and you're not even sure why it's causing you to feel the way you do.

I've never had social anxiety but in the past couple of weeks I've been feeling anxiety/depression about whether or not I have any 'close' friends, or if I have enough for a person my age, etc. It's the weirdest thing because, logically, I know I have friends and, even if we're not super-close, I'm an introvert and wouldn't want to spend hours talking or hanging out anyway. But I have this heavy knotted weight in my stomach almost constantly. Nothing makes me feel happy or even content right now. I'm feeling like I'm a failure in life even though in the past few months I've actually made some real progress for the first time in a while (got a new better job, started doing meetups and socialising more).

It's like I've been taken over by this wimpy alien forcing me to feel bad about things I don't usually feel bad about. I can't even imagine what triggered this. Well, maybe it's because I started the new job last week (read: stress,) and have been getting up super-early which is never good for my mood. And it's winter now. Yeah.

So tl;dr: right now, I feel like, rather than having anxiety, the anxiety is having me, if that makes sense. Any one else having one of those times?

11-09-2015, 03:56 PM
Yes, I am. I really think it has to do with the weather for me. It gets dark around 6pm. Before the time change, this is when I was taking my long walks. It takes so little to make me feel anxious.

11-10-2015, 12:51 AM
Sounds like you have identified the trigger, starting a new job is always stressful, especially for those of us who suffer anxiety.