View Full Version : Feeling great after taking L-tryptophan, B complex, vitamin c and magnesium!

11-06-2015, 04:24 AM
I'm taking L-tryptophan (which is an essential amino acid, you have to ingest it), B complex (vitamins B6 and B9 are needed), vitamin C and magnesium - all of this is needed to effectively produce serotonine. You can also do it without supplements, but you have to be attentive.

Ever since I started taking B complex together with vitamin C and magnesium I started feeling MUCH BETTER. I felt like myself in NO TIME basicly, no overcompensation of serotonine like with medicine (I was on Paroxat the last time I had anxiety attacks), no shaking, no residual fear, no phobias, nothing... If I overcompensate on vitamins they get excreted in urine. But I have to say that low serotonine was also due to my worrying, pressure, negativity... I had to start thinking positively. I haven't become a hipster but I'm leaning towards positivity, positive thinking, pushing through, less worrying (it's doable, you just have to put some effort to it), trying to lose the pressure. The consequences have a cause and the cause has to be mended as well. :)

11-06-2015, 06:06 AM
Do you take all this in addition to any prescription meds? I just started on Clonazepam which is working great BUT I really don't want to become addicted, so I am looking for natural alternatives.

11-06-2015, 10:49 AM
I wish the natural route would work for me, but it doesn't. I prefer to take an antidepressant and use the benzos as additional help only as needed.

11-09-2015, 09:06 AM
Blaza502: I refused to go on meds, because last time I was on meds they overcompensated the serotonine and I felt like I was drugged all the time and I did some stupid impulsive things that definitely do not correspond to who I am. They basicly haven't done anything good for me. I decided to take the matter into my own hands and try the supplements, the "serotonine diet" as I call it, exercising, sunbathing, going for walks, always occupying myself with something, thinking positively, smiling a lot, putting myself into a good mood... I will definitely not go back on meds. We don't have all that nice drugs in Slovenia. :/ And if I'd switch from Paroxat to something else, those something else drugs work the same, so nothing new there.

11-09-2015, 09:07 AM
Anne1221: What did you try and how long were you using it as you mention natural route?

The Intolerable Kid
11-11-2015, 06:31 AM
Good for you, I take a similar regimen. I also include liquid melatonin (taken in tea). I have had some limited success in getting away from some of my prescriptions by doing what you have done.