View Full Version : Can you help with a 15-30 minute survey?

11-05-2015, 04:18 PM
Hi there!
Thanks for taking the time to check out this post. To introduce myself briefly, my name’s Jeremy and I’m doing my PhD research in social anxiety. I’m really hoping you can help me by doing an online survey. I've posted this survey already in the social phobia section, but the reality is that anyone can do it, so I thought I would post it in the general section too. Here’s the info:

What is the study about?
I’m trying to investigate the maintenance factors of social anxiety.

Why is that important?
The more we can understand what maintains social anxiety, the better we can create interventions to treat social anxiety.

Who can do the survey?
Anyone 18 years and older.

How long will it take?
Most people have been taking between 15-30 minutes.

What else do I need to know?
For those who are interested, you can also complete the survey in 3 and 6 months’ time. This is because I’m trying to do a longitudinal study. However, if you only want to participate once, that’s fine. More information can be found in the actual survey.

Please follow this link if you wish to participate:


Thankyou. I really hope my research can expand our knowledge on the issue of social anxiety, and provide us with ideas of how to make treatment even better :)