View Full Version : Could I have anxiety or is it something else?

11-05-2015, 11:58 AM
Hey all, well I'll just get straight into it.

The past couple of months I get a pounding heart, sometimes without me even knowing then someone else points it out, but recently the past couple of days it's got really bad and now shortness of breath accompanies it, it lasts for about half an hour, it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I could be driving, watching TV, laying in bed, it just constantly comes and goes. I also severely bite my nails, I have basically no nails left to bite because they're too low, If I can't find a nail I'll start Biting my skin around them, several fingers have been infected due to it but I still do it and can't seem to stop. My heart will beat fairly fast and very hard. Lasts about half an hour of not a bit less. I can't get an appointment with my doctor until a couple of weeks so I was wondering whether it's worth going to the hospital for?
Thanks so much I'm advance for your help.

11-05-2015, 11:05 PM
I have gone to the hospital a few times for heart related concerns, it has always been anxiety.

I would feel like my heart was missing multiple beats and that my breath was escaping me, after that point it is all anxiety from there on out. If you do your yearly appointment and your doctor says your heart is in good shape then I would discount it to anxiety but that is also because I know my body. I don't panic anymore when I have palpitations cause I automatically assume it is anxiety causing the discomfort.

How did someone else point out your pounding heart?

Do you bite your nails during the episode or all the time?

I would start taking my heart rate (not pressure) during normal times throughout the day and then take note during the pounding episode, start learning about yourself so you can fairly judge if there is an issue. Feeling your heart pound might not mean its racing. Count the beats within 15 seconds and multiply by four. Pay attention to what your norm is and when you do see your doctor explain your situation and provide the information so the expert can make a more informed call on your health.

11-06-2015, 06:03 AM
I noticed that you are also new to this page. This is all new to me...I had been having the exact same symptoms as you....of course "googled it" and was convinced I must surely have some fatal disease. Went to the Dr, he gave me Ambien and told me that perhaps if I was able to sleep at night maybe my anxiety would go away (FAIL), so he checked my thyroid which was normal and prescribed me Clonazepam.....OMG!! I feel like someone turned on a light. I feel normal again for the first time in I don't know how long!! You probably have anxiety and need to get treatment....trust me it doesn't just go away on its own!!! Good luck to you