View Full Version : Almost 22, have felt this way since I was 14..

11-04-2015, 09:31 PM
I genuinely don't know where to begin this process. My best friend basically can't even handle me anymore, and I can't even handle me anymore. Every time I think I'm feeling better, I get knocked right back down again. I'm not one to ask for help at all, so I have avoided doing anything about this. I've never talked to my parents about how I feel because we've never been close like that and I don't want them to know. I'm terrified and feel like I'm losing control of everything. The earliest I can remember this happening is when I was in the 8th grade, and now I am just becoming completely crippled by anxiety - which I'm sure is the reason I'm also feeling depressed.. again. I just need to know what the first step is. I haven't see a doctor since I was 17. Do I talk to a doctor first? A therapist? A psychiatrist? I'm desperate. I don't want them to think I'm irresponsible for putting this off for so long but I truly did believe I could handle this on my own. I just don't know what to do or where to start. Please help :(

11-04-2015, 10:36 PM
Hey dude,

Avoidance is just a part of mental illness. I broke my jaw at 16 (only slightly). Waited until my 20s to get it fixed because I was so scared of the surgery. I don't think any professional worth their salary will judge you on your decisions. They'll know they've been influenced by powerful emotions and a less than optimal brain state.

I started off by chatting to my doctor. Often they can recommend you a therapist. They can decide if drugs are a worthwhile option. They can also give you a blood test to make sure you're healthy. Hormonal conditions, sugar imbalances, vitamin deficiencies etc can aggravate anxiety no end.

If after this doctor's visit you're not totally happy, you can either see a new one, or take matters into your own hands. There are plenty of therapists/pyshs in every part of the world that would be happy to help you. But go the doctor route first. It's best to start from the natural starting point.

11-05-2015, 10:07 AM
No one is going to think you're irresponsible. It's a heavy thing to deal with for someone young. Please, please tell your parents. Unless they are totally cruel and insensitive people, they will be on your side, and you won't be alone in your struggle. Choose some doctor, any doctor or therapist, and that will be a starting point for you. Put the burden on them to guide you. You may not like that doctor/therapist, but there are lots of other ones out there.

11-07-2015, 07:41 AM
I had anxiety as well, causing depression, making life a misery. I thought everybody hated me, and I drove people away. I waited until I was 31 to seek help. Looking back, I've been this way since around 14 as well.

Nobody will think less of you, you should go to your doctor as soon as you can. Good luck. Things will be all right ;)

11-08-2015, 04:23 AM
Hi it's time you talk to your Doc he will help, also don't worry of what people think just think of yourself getting better and be positive Good luck

11-11-2015, 02:25 AM
Hang in there! I agree with the other posters, talk to your parents and talk to your family doctor first and go from there. Anxiety and depression runs in my family and I was always lucky enough to know that my mom totally understood what I was going through when I was a kid and first starting having it too. But I'll always remember that she told me she waited YEARS to get help because she just didn't know what was wrong and after she did was regretting not seeking help sooner. Things will get better and it's okay to ask professionals and family for help and support. :)