View Full Version : Drowning

11-04-2015, 07:46 AM
Hi all,

I'm quite new to this forum but am strongly in need of a place where I don't feel crazy. I'm 22, been working at a small company for the past 8 months and have periodically gone through periods of time where I just feel like shutting down. Right now I'm in the midst of some pretty intense work struggles and while I'm looking for a new job, it is quite often literally painful to get through the day.

This morning my boss started emailing me at 6:30am which provoked a panic attack that made me late for work. Interacting with anyone at work right now just sends me into a spiral of anxiety. My office is out of the way and I wind up sitting there hearing everyone talking and laughing in the main room and feel so left out but it's like the second I go out there, everyone stops talking. And of course, sitting at work feeling like I'm going to throw up or pass out doesn't do anything for my productivity, I wish it made me more productive but it's almost as if it just freezes me. I panic getting EMAILS. I mean really. Then I get in trouble for not responding quick enough because it takes me hours to get up the nerve to even open them.

I'm going back into therapy but I feel like this is consuming my life and just want to know I'm not alone.

11-04-2015, 07:51 AM
Your certainly not alone.

11-04-2015, 11:38 AM
No you are not. I had to take extended leave from a job that I had from 3 years after suffering a debilitating panic attack one night which sent me to the ER. You may want to discuss with your therapist ways you can handle work stress and how to function. I know it's hard...I had to leave work day (before my panic attack) because I couldn't breathe and I went to Urgent Care. Maybe consider setting limits to work outside the normal work hours? Also walking during my breaks seemed to help. Good luck!

11-04-2015, 12:21 PM
Work causes me a lot of anxiety as well so please know that you are not alone. I'm on two medications and have frequent therapy sessions and still find myself struggling some days. I've been going through some stressful life situations so my anxiety is pretty constant right now.

Thumbs up to you for going back to therapy, I hope you benefit from it. :)