View Full Version : Am i crazy?

11-04-2015, 06:19 AM
This is all new to me and I am desperately searching for help and a support group. Here is my history.....15 years ago I had my daughter and her father died when she was 2. Suddenly I developed this horrible fear of "what if I die, who will take care of my baby/" I didn't really have any family and I constantly worried about what would happen to her. I got terrible anxiety and insomnia. the doctor put me on Buspar which worked fine for years. When she was 5, I met my current husband and he adopted my daughter. My fears went away. Until about 3 weeks ago. It was like overnight I started feeling really anxious and couldn't sleep. The symptoms I had were: heart palpitations, nervous feeling, shaky inside, insomnia, tight burning shoulders, difficulty concentrating, a feeling of general fear, tingly arms. It seemed to be worse at night...I would wake up to waves of adrenaline or a wave of anxious feelings, although I was not consciously worrying about anything. I began to google (BIG MISTAKE) and was convinced I had hyperthyroidism....went to Dr and had labs and he said its just anxiety. He gave me Ambien for sleep and Clonazepam for anxiety. The problem Is he gave me only a 2 week supply and said he doesn't like giving these drugs so it would be one time only. The first day I took the Clonazepam I felt like someone turned on a light. Everything seemed clear again. The social anxiety I had started to develop went away. (which I attributed to the fact that I have been working at home for the past year and not really interacting with a lot of people). So here is my problem, I have been scared to take the Clonazepam as directed because I fear, I will become dependent and the doctor wont prescribe for me. Any suggestions? What are good meds to try that aren't controlled so that my doctor will be more open to prescribe...or better yet, any natural remedies? I hate taking meds if I don't have to...but I feel like this anxiety is going to make me go CRAZY.

11-04-2015, 11:43 AM
Therapy perhaps? Learning how to handle your anxiety without pills or medicine. Relaxing music on Pandera and YouTube (stress relief music) helps me control some of my anxiety. Coloring...stickers...any types of crafts to distract you from the anxiety might help. Talk to your doctor too...I know mine put me on different meds and dosages until we found what works for me. Good luck.