View Full Version : Help me with my PhD research on social anxiety!!

11-04-2015, 02:25 AM
Hi there!
Thanks for taking the time to check out this post. To introduce myself briefly, my name’s Jeremy and I’m doing my PhD research in social anxiety. I’m really hoping you can help me by doing an online survey. Here’s the info:

What is the study about?
I’m trying to investigate the maintenance factors of social anxiety.

Why is that important?
The more we can understand what maintains social anxiety, the better we can create interventions to treat social anxiety.

Who can do the survey?
Anyone 18 years and older.

How long will it take?
Most people have been taking between 15-30 minutes.

What else do I need to know?
For those who are interested, you can also complete the survey in 3 and 6 months’ time. This is because I’m trying to do a longitudinal study. However, if you only want to participate once, that’s fine. More information can be found in the actual survey.

Please follow this link if you wish to participate:


Thankyou. I really hope my research can expand our knowledge on the issue of social anxiety, and provide us with ideas of how to make treatment even better :)

p.s, if you are able to share this with any friends that would be amazing!!!

11-05-2015, 01:18 AM
hey guys thanks so much to those of you who have completed the survey. As a small token of my appreciation, I wanted to post an interesting video once every few days. Here is the first one, its about what happens if you try to breach the speed of light. Random but interesting!!


ps. if you haven't done the survey yet please feel free to do so, or otherwise share it with someone who has not done it yet! :)


11-05-2015, 03:03 AM

11-05-2015, 09:47 AM

11-05-2015, 03:33 PM
not interesting enough??


11-05-2015, 04:05 PM
Here's another video people might find interesting, about psychotherapy :)


For those who haven't done it yet, if anyone gets a moment, please do my survey!! The link is in the first post of this thread :)

11-05-2015, 07:06 PM
Young man in my age I had seen all videos on youtube:)) I have a rule in my life; NO survey if I do not get discount on something. I do survey only for my suppliers :))

11-05-2015, 09:25 PM
Places like these are meant to be devoid of clinical, marketing, and all forms of business orientated harassment. You presence here is an offense; although many will not express it. However my friend and I here, are used to escorting surveyors out of our "community for those struggling with anxiety, fear, or panic attacks."

Unless of course you have something to share of your own experiences and sufferings?

Now if you would be so kind as to close the door on your way out.

Please find a more appropriate place to source your subjects and study in.
TY. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/bye/morphing-hand-bye-text-smiley-emoticon.gif

11-05-2015, 10:30 PM
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The guy was spamming my thread to get 27 posts so he can post a video .........

11-09-2015, 02:55 PM

Regarding your feedback on my post, I understand that you guys want to maintain a particular type of culture on this forum.

However, I think there are important distinctions between the type of activity you are referring to, and the nature of my activity on this forum. The type of "business orientated harassment" you are probably referring to is marketing and advertisement in order to sell a product or service in order to make a profit.

In contrast to this type of activity, my purpose is to ask people to complete a questionnaire for my PhD research on social anxiety. There is no product being sold and there is no profit being made. In contrast to generic marketing where the only person who benefits is the seller who makes profits, those who complete my questionnaire are actually contributing to research on social anxiety. This research has the potential to expand our knowledge on social anxiety which could lead to better informed and improved interventions for this condition. Therefore, people may actually benefit from participating in such research, especially those with social anxiety. Given that this is a forum [I]explicitly[I] related to social anxiety, many people may actually be interested in participating. And many won't, which is why participation is completely voluntary.

I just thought it was important to make that point. Maybe you guys do have a particular culture where you want to keep all research and questionnaires out of the forum. But I certainly couldn't find any rules and conditions of the forum that suggested this was the case. However, if this is the case, then obviously I will respect that.

11-09-2015, 04:59 PM
Thank you for clearing it up. We have people like you all the time , here. They ask for questionnaire. They want us to tell them our stories and extecera........... Please, understand that no one likes to be question about it. Not on public forum. Read the forum you will get the answers.......

11-09-2015, 05:09 PM
It's all part and parcel of the same conditioning that many of us are looking to alienate ourselves from.

Simply put, your delivery system is not welcome here.

Dahila gives good advice. I suggest following that.

To push the issue further will only incite.

At the very least, show some respect and do it in PM.

This is not the place to recruit.

Good luck with your studies.