View Full Version : Parents may take away my therapist

11-03-2015, 04:20 PM
Hi everybody. Its been awhile since I last wrote on here...thinking I was on the path to recovery and all. Well I am not. I take my meds (not daily like I should) and suffer from pretty bad anxiety on a daily basis. I have been seeing a therapist for a few years now...maybe 2 or 3 years? Well my parents are paying for it...its expansive and they are not seeing results so basically like they have done before...threaten to stop paying me to go to my therapist. Already have been cut down from seeing her weekly to only 3 times a month...so I miss a week every month. I realise that they are worried and I am not making progress forward...it's like 2 steps forward...1 step back for me. Sometimes no progress for a week. Or a month. What should I do? I am so freaking scared. They want me to go on disability here in the US. My husband is working finally and he can pay for most of the bills. I almost they do help us out financially. How can I explain to them that I don't want to go on disability? That my therapist does help me? I like her. She gives me good tips to follow. She wants me to get better. Maybe I don't? Is That possible to sabotage yourself? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

11-03-2015, 06:11 PM
Hmmm..."I take my meds, not daily as I should." I think you really need to take them as your therapist would want you to, and see if they help.

11-03-2015, 06:57 PM
i tend to stay up until 2 am in the morning then sleep in until 11 or noon. bythe time i eat its too late to take one of my meds. so i usually skip both. my therapist knows about this. she is trying to get me to take them. i have been slipping again lately though. any suggestions?

11-04-2015, 06:56 AM
i tend to stay up until 2 am in the morning then sleep in until 11 or noon. bythe time i eat its too late to take one of my meds. so i usually skip both. my therapist knows about this. she is trying to get me to take them. i have been slipping again lately though. any suggestions?

I'm just gonna suggest you get yourself on a regular sleep schedule instead of late nights and sleeping half the day away, in bed by ten and up no later than eight, from personal experience I feel better that way. Plus sunlight makes me feel good.

11-04-2015, 11:32 AM
Now that daylight savings time is here I find myself going to bed a bit earlier and rising around 10 am...not noon anymore. I want to work towards 8 am alarm...time to get out of bed and start the day :) thank you for your suggestions! Thank you all for responding...it means a lot to me.