View Full Version : Anxiety is new to me...and i am scared

Susan Williamson
11-03-2015, 12:02 PM
I was so happy to find this website! Let me give you a brief history....my mom has anxiety and it was always something I didn't understand, and I always said I WILL NEVER GROW UP TO BE LIKE YOU~~~well guess what? I am 47 and about 3 weeks ago out of the blue, I became extremely anxious for no apparent reason. It seemed to be worse at night. I would wake up feeling like adrenaline was rushing thru my body....shoulders tight and shaking inside. I was not nervous, consciously, of anything at all! Of course I started "googling" and convinced myself that I surely have Hyperthyroidism or a heart condition. I went to the doctor and he prescribed Ambien. I was already on Buspar for what I liked to call my "irritability issue", have been on Buspar for about 8 years. Anyhow...I took the Ambien a couple nights and woke around 4 am feeling the same way. I called the doctor and he ordered the Thyroid blood work and prescribed Clonazepam but told me this would only be short term. The first day I took the Clonazepam...I felt more normal than I have in YEARS. I had a bit of social anxiety prior, but I attributed that to the fact that I work at home and am always alone. After taking the Clonazepam, I actually enjoyed being around people again......SO HERE's the problem....Because he only gave me 30 and told me to take it twice a day....I was afraid of becoming addicted and he wont prescribe me anymore. So yesterday I didn't take it at all.....as the day progressed I felt the feelings creep back up on me....I started getting heart palpitations, shaky inside, tight shoulders, nervous feeling. I just don't know what to do! In my mind I am convinced it is not anxiety and that I probably have some horrible disease...and that is what makes the anxiety worse.....I feel like I am literally going crazy and my husband isn't too sympathetic as he does not understand anxiety and mental illness.....HELP!

11-03-2015, 06:09 PM
See another doctor who will work with you. I have never taken clonazepam, because my p-doc likes Tranxene since it has a long half life and is not addicting. But you do need some relief from your anxiety.

11-04-2015, 06:07 AM
My mom takes Tranxene....she only takes it PRN. I agree with you that I need to swich doctors.....This is all new to me and it scares the crap out of me....I have been researching the internet about natural things like Magnesium and Amino Acids....I just really don't know where to begin and I reallllllly want to feel normal again.