View Full Version : Here we go again !
09-12-2008, 02:17 PM
For weeks i suffered with Air hunger, went to doctor, he put me on diazapm, for a week i was fine, bit sleepy etc..anyway went back to doc a week later, he said he wanted me to slowly come off the diazapm and introduce me to busprisone. so i started taking the busprione 3 times a day, and the diazapam only 2 times a day
guess what air hunger is back.... why?
I have been off work 2 weeks, from my mon to friday job. and have been at home doing hosuework and chilling, nothing stressful.
my wedding photography i am still doin as i am contracted by clients.
I do have a wedding photograph tomorrow, and its a bit of distance from my home...i do worry about leaving home and going too far away, could this be the reason?
09-12-2008, 04:40 PM
I do have a wedding photograph tomorrow, and its a bit of distance from my home...i do worry about leaving home and going too far away, could this be the reason?
I think that, all too often, we get tied up in trying to find a reason for the specific symptoms from which we suffer. After all, if we could do this, then this would give us a way of controlling anxiety, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, this only makes things worse. It only causes us additional stress and worry, which exacerbates anxiety. The thing you have to remember here is that anxiety is a condition. I hesitate to use the word 'disease', as this tends to imply a sense of hopelessness about recovery. But I guess if you consider that the cold and flu are diseases, and neither lasts forever, then you could call anxiety a disease as well. Anyway, with that in mind, anxiety disorder is typically caused by excessive stress in one's life. But once it is established, it takes on a life of its own, and can continue despite the fact that the original stressors may be gone. Why? because anxiety disorder creates its own symptoms at random. NOTHING percetible needs to happen to trigger these symptoms. And the fear that we feel as a result only tends to create more stress, which maintains and/or exacerbates the condition.
So what do we do about all of this? Try not to react to your symptoms with fear. Or, at least at first, try not to react with AS MUCH fear. Learn to accept your breathing problems (and whatever other symptoms you may have) simply as symptoms of anxiety AND NOTHING MORE. Breathing problems are, after all, probably one of the most common physical anxiety symptoms. By learning to accept your symptoms and your anxiety disorder in general, you don't feed your anxiety. And your mind and body calm down with time. The 'with time' part is EXTREMELY important to keep in mind, as recovery is almost NEVER fast - it may take from several months to a few years to get completely back to where you were before your anxiety disorder started. And you will experience setbacks, where symptoms increase for a time, often for no good reason. Accept this as well. And if you don't know why it happened, DON'T waste time and energy trying to figure it out. Of course, despite the fact that I say not to figure out why symptoms come and go, you also want to do what you can to decrease stress in your life, as this is necessary to remain anxiety condition free.
09-13-2008, 05:16 PM
Hi Robbed,
Wow that is all so true, I am really having a hard time dealing with my anxiety, the minute i left the house it started, i ended up doin 100MPH to the brides house, all the way deep breathing, the minute i arrived there, i was fine. then coming home anxiety again, got home all fine....
But i have printed off your reply, and will keep it with me and every time i feel bad i wll read it
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