View Full Version : Hello

J. Ans
11-02-2015, 12:22 PM
Hello, I've had generalized anxiety disorder and major depression ever since I can remember. I started to treat it properly when I was in my late 20s. I take low dosages of medication, and I do community acupuncture every week (community acupuncture is more affordable). I went to psychotherapy/counseling for many years (about 10 years altogether full time every week, and part time [every 2 weeks] for about 3 years). I currently would like to figure out a way to budget adding in counseling again, along with my acupuncture, but I am on a limited income. I remember being part of an online forum helped me out a lot during some difficult, painful times, so I thought I could maybe help people with some of my wisdom from multiple years of having these conditions. And, in some ways, helping others could maybe still help myself, for I still don't feel completely recovered; I am a work in progress.
Thank you for being here.