View Full Version : Interesting symptom...reassurance anyone?

09-12-2008, 09:49 AM
Does anyone else get the feeling that their memories are unreal? Not that you think that they are, but kinda they feel it...like being very detached from them? Like you're not sure if they really happened? I also get a similar feeling when i go somewhere and i'm like 'am i really here?' 'did i really come here?'. Its a very strange feeling...and isn't doing much to reinforce my desperate thinking of 'This is completely understandable...you are not going insane!!!'
Although i think this is pretty much an offshoot of my depersonalisation/ derealisation its pretty worrying. Also all of these symptoms feel worse whn i've just woken up or when i'm hungry/tired...which would fit into the DP/DR symptom thing., right? Someone please tell me i'm right!!??!!

09-12-2008, 01:07 PM
I can relate to the detached feelings you describe. Another strange one for me is that sometimes I get the opposite feeling in that I feel super aware of my own consciousness. It’s hard to describe but is usually triggered by catching a glipse of my nose in my vision. This gives me a heightened sense of looking out a the world. Like I'm suddenely very aware that I'm conscious and real. It quite bizarre really!

09-12-2008, 04:44 PM
This is all just a variation of unreality, and is quite common with anxiety disorder. As such, it may be disturbing, but is not harmful. When this symptom occurs, try to accept it is noting more than another anxiety symptom.

09-12-2008, 05:00 PM
Cheers for backing that up guys...i figured it was probably a DR thing but its always nice to have it confirmed!
Elgrande...i get that too...its like being aware of being aware, if you follow...pretty damned freaky! Like you're hyperconcious of looking out of your own two eyes?!?
I'm thinking of releasing a line of anxiety trading cards...it'll be like a collectors game, like pokemon...Gotta catch em all! I must have most of them by now... :tongue:

09-12-2008, 05:48 PM
Absolutely right robbed.. what you have to do is simply accept that all it is, is a symptom of anxiety and nothing is going to happen to you, the symptoms will naturally decrease..

it's a very common symptom... What people do (and this is what i did for 4 years) is panic/worry over the unreality which simply brings it on even more! i was in this terriying cycle in my mind for 4 years... I look back and i can't believe how stupid i was, but i guess it was very serious at the time. I thought i was going mad, i felt unreal for so long!

Acceptance is the only cure for anxiety in my opinion.......

09-13-2008, 04:05 AM
it's a very common symptom... What people do (and this is what i did for 4 years) is panic/worry over the unreality which simply brings it on even more! i was in this terriying cycle in my mind for 4 years... I look back and i can't believe how stupid i was, but i guess it was very serious at the time. I thought i was going mad, i felt unreal for so long!

Acceptance is the only cure for anxiety in my opinion.......

You can't be considered stupid for not knowing the importance of acceptance if you were never told this. And, from what I have experienced, acceptance seems to be something the health care establishment would rather you NOT know about.

09-13-2008, 07:06 AM
Elgrande...i get that too...its like being aware of being aware, if you follow...pretty damned freaky! Like you're hyperconcious of looking out of your own two eyes?!?

Spot on description! Its virtually impossible describing this to someone who hasn't experienced it. They honestly look at you as if you've been touched by the crazy stick!

09-13-2008, 01:29 PM
I agree Robbed...i've just started coming to the realisation that acceptance is the key. It'd have helped me if my doctor could have told me this a couple of years ago!

Elgrande - Thats the biggest problem...no-one else really gets it...i guess thats why this forum is so good!

09-13-2008, 01:38 PM
You can't be considered stupid for not knowing the importance of acceptance if you were never told this. And, from what I have experienced, acceptance seems to be something the health care establishment would rather you NOT know about.

Yeah.. i know, but i look back and i'm annoyed at what i put myself through... I know it's not stupid, perhaps thats the wrong word.. :)

09-14-2008, 10:20 PM
wow didnt think anyone else felt this, sometimes i think "man what if none of that happend? and im making it all up?" but then i tell my self to relax that it all happend other wise i wouldnt have the scars to prove it.

I have a REALLY good memory and a really big imagination so my dreams tend to be amazing but sometimes there so real i wake up thinking they really happend lol.

i try not to think about memorys but i let them hit me when ever i want like when i see someone all my memorys about them are easy to see

so try not to think about them unless your doing something or talking to someone and then access them because when someone else remembers to well...that will make you feel better and happier!

09-15-2008, 11:30 AM
Tae, it is very comfoting to know that you're not the only one isn't it! This memory thing is fairly new to me but i've got it pretty much tied up with my DR stuff and my 'what if none of this is real?' thoughts. I too have a great imagination, which is a quality i really love in myself...i wouldn't change it for the world...its just a shame that my negativity gets hold of it and uses it like a toy sometimes!

09-25-2008, 06:18 PM
Does anyone else get the feeling that their memories are unreal? Not that you think that they are, but kinda they feel it...like being very detached from them? Like you're not sure if they really happened? I also get a similar feeling when i go somewhere and i'm like 'am i really here?' 'did i really come here?'. Its a very strange feeling...and isn't doing much to reinforce my desperate thinking of 'This is completely understandable...you are not going insane!!!'
Although i think this is pretty much an offshoot of my depersonalisation/ derealisation its pretty worrying. Also all of these symptoms feel worse whn i've just woken up or when i'm hungry/tired...which would fit into the DP/DR symptom thing., right? Someone please tell me i'm right!!??!!

I can't believe someone actually has that feeling. I always felt like I was the only one.