View Full Version : Depression due to anxiety -- HELP

10-30-2015, 12:48 PM
I guess this is the correct part of the forum for this. It's been a while and I seem to have a rapid heartbeat every day, all day long -- sometimes I feel that it's normal but once I begin measuring it's up again. My normal heartrate was 60-70 but now it's 90-100 bpm. The only time it goes down is when I sleep, that's it. Thoughts like, 'will this last forever?', 'is there no cure?', 'what if I have a breakdown?' keep coming to my head over and over and over throughout the day, which has lead to severe depression and feeling of hopelessness.

10-30-2015, 08:42 PM
I guess this is the correct part of the forum for this. It's been a while and I seem to have a rapid heartbeat every day, all day long -- sometimes I feel that it's normal but once I begin measuring it's up again. My normal heartrate was 60-70 but now it's 90-100 bpm. The only time it goes down is when I sleep, that's it. Thoughts like, 'will this last forever?', 'is there no cure?', 'what if I have a breakdown?' keep coming to my head over and over and over throughout the day, which has lead to severe depression and feeling of hopelessness.

Hi, I also suffer the same thing. I didn't make a post yet about my super severe anxiety and panic attacks before (yr.1999-2003) and I get well after the yr.2003. My heart rate before is very high same as yours even higher like 120-130 bpm. 1st what I quickly did when the time I'm in a recovery mode is "PROPER & HEALTHY DIET" I eat vegetables and fruits mostly and meat sparingly, the 2nd best thing I did is "EXERCISE" at start, I just walk (with companion from my very kind uncle) like say 30 steps and I return home then vomit, that's how weak I am.. but to make the story short I became strong and strong each day until I do weights (barbells)... until now... then until I can do joggings and boxing (punching bag) my very good Cardiologist, Psychiatrist and Integrative / homeopathy Doctors helps me a lot, they help me bec. I also did my best to help myself up. That's it :) Don't lose hope. I've tried almost everything before, I combined conventional and natural medicine and they worked great!

So, have a healthy lifestyle: HEALTHY DIET & EXERCISE :) Exercise will make your Heart and overall Organs Strong and healthy, also it will detoxify you, some toxins in our body will release through sweats. There are lots of benefits we can get from exercise. From my 120bpsm before it became 68bpm when I became strong already. Our heart is a muscle, so it needs to be strenghten through Exercise, if you will not exercise your body this muscle (the heart) will go weak overtime. It's best if you work with this with your doctor consent.

Hopefully, I'll post my full story here in this website soon

All the best! :) hope thid helps

10-31-2015, 02:58 AM
Hi, I also suffer the same thing. I didn't make a post yet about my super severe anxiety and panic attacks before (yr.1999-2003) and I get well after the yr.2003. My heart rate before is very high same as yours even higher like 120-130 bpm. 1st what I quickly did when the time I'm in a recovery mode is "PROPER & HEALTHY DIET" I eat vegetables and fruits mostly and meat sparingly, the 2nd best thing I did is "EXERCISE" at start, I just walk (with companion from my very kind uncle) like say 30 steps and I return home then vomit, that's how weak I am.. but to make the story short I became strong and strong each day until I do weights (barbells)... until now... then until I can do joggings and boxing (punching bag) my very good Cardiologist, Psychiatrist and Integrative / homeopathy Doctors helps me a lot, they help me bec. I also did my best to help myself up. That's it :) Don't lose hope. I've tried almost everything before, I combined conventional and natural medicine and they worked great!

So, have a healthy lifestyle: HEALTHY DIET & EXERCISE :) Exercise will make your Heart and overall Organs Strong and healthy, also it will detoxify you, some toxins in our body will release through sweats. There are lots of benefits we can get from exercise. From my 120bpsm before it became 68bpm when I became strong already. Our heart is a muscle, so it needs to be strenghten through Exercise, if you will not exercise your body this muscle (the heart) will go weak overtime. It's best if you work with this with your doctor consent.

Hopefully, I'll post my full story here in this website soon

All the best! :) hope thid helps

Did your beat like that every day

10-31-2015, 02:51 PM
i believe that constant anxiety causes depression of course. that's exactly what happened to me. i have a severe anxiety since childhood and throughout the years untreated and suppressing the anxiety turned to a very bad depression

11-01-2015, 12:53 AM
Did your beat like that every day

Yes daniel my heart normally beats like 68 - 72 bpm everyday when at "rest" but of course normally when I'm working out, doing exercise or any physical activities my heartbeat beats from 120-150 bpm which is normal and it will go down to 68 bpm again and lower when I'll be resting again.

My doctors said that when you exercise more the less your heart will beat (less task and strong) When the heart is strong and in the healthy state, it will beat less 60 and lower is the ideal heartbeat.

I may suggest go to different doctors (cardiologist, psychiatrist and naturophatic doctors) And kindly have a thorough check of your blood, lipid profile, cholesterol, glucose, cbc hemoglobin, etc. plus your urine, chest x-ray, ECG etc First it's better for you to be checked by doctors (conventional and much better if you can look for naturophatic doctors-doctors who practices natural way to heal) In my case before I've been diagnose with very low hemoglobin, gerd, sinusitis, anxiety/panic etc.

If you can still walk you're lucky, bec.you know I can't even stand up from my bed before due to so much weakness and of course i'm so deppressed, I vomit so often, I can't sleep, I'm going hysterically, I'm just in our house, can't even go to school actually it affects my schooling before but thankfullybI finished all my studies until college after I recovered.. well it's so sad everytime I recalled them all, but thankfully they're all just the "The Thing of the Past" for me now :) And healthy lifestyle helped me a lot, 'cause my diet before is bad like I'm eating so much processed foods, instant foods, fastfoods, junk foods, softdrinks, msg's, diet soda with aspartame etc. and through changing my lifestyle from bad to good, I've been cleanses and get better as well my heartbeat becomes normal again. It's just like a pipe, when there are lots of waste, toxic etc. the water will not flow freely and it's too tasky, but if the pipe is clear and clean, the water (blood) will flow freely, sound and easy.

So, I suggest that you must be checked by doctors before you do the exercises, but for sure you may start doing healthy diet now, eat more vegetables and fruits and avoid caffeine, softdrinks, high fat foods, junkfoods etc

I also want you to read this books and I hope it's available at your bookstore or you can also buy this online, the title is "FIT FOR LIFE by Harvey and Marilyn Diamonds" Honestly this book changed my life from worst to better.

Wish all the best for you ;)

P.S. you said that your heartbeat lowers when sleeping, i believe throigh this statement that you're bothered. The best thinf to do is to be checked by experts :) Do the exercise after. But you may start the healthy diet right away.
