View Full Version : Anxiety Help

10-29-2015, 01:17 PM
I am a female who is 26 years old and has suffered with anxiety since Fall 2014. I was outside working one day when I lifting stuff and something pushed my watch band all the way into my wrist. It left a big indention in my blood vein and freaked me out. I had my first anxiety attack and felt like I was going to pass out. I got really hot and really weak suddenly. After that I struggled for several weeks very very bad with anxiety, so much so I got ulcers because of it. For a while I got better, but my health was always worrying me. Worried a slight chest pain which I had previously had on occasion throughout my whole life, was a heart attack. Or if I barely got cut on something I was afraid I'd get infection and die. It was all these nagging thoughts only concerning my health. I was someone who had lived on a farm (and still do) her whole life and whenever I got cut, or beat up by anything on the farm, I never worried at all. I took my beat up and bruises as sort of an honor, and part of the farm work showing I worked hard. It was a change for me to go from this happy, healthy person to constantly worried over everything.
Off and on since last fall, I've dealt with my anxiety. Sometimes it's worse than others. I could go for a month without much thought of it and then something will trigger it and I'll start back in it again. For example, I started feeling my arms tremble lightly after exhausting them back in the summer and it flared my anxiety up again. No matter how logical I tell myself this isn't, I still do it. Lately I've been doing a ton better and thought maybe it was getting there. But periodically I have these issues where something starts near the end of my esophagus into my throat, spreads up and out my body into my arms, makes me very hot and then it passes. Sometimes it does this 4-6 times in a row and nearly catches my breath, and other times it does it once and then is done. I have no insurance and going to the doctor isn't an option. Everything else physically feels fine when it happens, except it always catches me off guard. For example, I was talking with my sister this afternoon about a private matter and I was getting worked up because of the stupid person involved in the matter. I started getting hot, and then it happened. It totally caught me off guard. It always feels like it starts right below my sternum, and is completely un-related to my heart or other parts of my body. I can't describe this as good as I would like, so no one maybe able to help me, but I hoped someone might could say, "yeah I dealt with it to, and when I did xx it helped". Or just anyone who has experienced it. I've tried explaining it to my sister but I just can't explain it. It's the oddest thing. I know it's not a full blown anxiety thing like I experienced first off last fall, because nothing has gotten that bad since then. I just have went through very bad spells where I'm freaked out over my health, and I'm a relatively healthy person. I could stand to lose a few pounds (maybe 15) but I walk daily and do things like that around my farm. So, I shouldn't be this worried. I know it's not logical to worry over things I can't control, but I just do. I had one of these spells about 2 weeks ago, but prior to that it hadn't happened since the spring time, so I had hoped it was gone for good. Guess I shouldn't have counted my chickens before they hatched.
Any help would be appreciated and I'll gladly give whatever other info I can to help figure it out. I've had many different anxiety boughts with my health, but this is one that tops the cake for not being able to handle it. I just feel so out of control when it happens and like I can't get it to stop. Then it worries me again for a few days and I start the cycle again.

Thanks in advance and sorry for any rambling.

10-30-2015, 03:49 AM


Lots of great experiences there.

Some of them may help.

The symptom you describe doesn't seem so different from those that describe their anxious symptoms, or panic ones. I have seen many people describe similar sensations.

As long as you fixate on it, it will be present.

11-02-2015, 02:44 PM
Thank you for your help! The only thing I haven't been able to understand is that it comes on when I'm thinking of absolutely nothing that's related to my anxiety. For example, one day I had been walking and got a bit out of breath, suddenly I felt it coming on. I hadn't been thinking about my anxiety or anything related to it, but suddenly I felt that breathless sharp stabbing odd feeling and got real hot suddenly. That's the only thing I haven't been able to understand out of the whole ordeal. I do appreciate your response though. :) Thank you!