View Full Version : How to help a partner who suffers from Anxiety

10-29-2015, 05:37 AM

I'm after some advice on how to help my partner who suffers from anxiety. To give you some context I'll try and explain her history that might show some causes / triggers of her anxiety.

My partner is 34 and we have been friends for 10 years or so. She was married and has two children with her ex husband (boy 7 girl 4). She split from her ex 3 years ago and he had never really treated her very well. Prior to them splitting up she developed Anorexia and he was not supportive in anyway, this was the trigger for her to finally split from him.

to help her with her eating disorder she started to take Citaprolam as time went on she had two relationships with men, one cheated on her and the second time one told her that she had to stop taking her medication as he didn't want to date a 'mad girl'. Thankfully this relationship didn't last!

Fast forward to this year and I was single and she declared she really like me so we started dating. Obviously I know about her history and have in the past helped her through the difficulties she had faced. Without my knowledge she stopped taking her medication, later she said she felt like she was coping without it.

Recently, last two months, she seemed to be more distant, stressed and very highly strung. She takes a lot of extra things on and she openly states she has had no time just to chill out and relax. Two weeks ago we had a lengthy chat as she had been quite ill claiming to be exhausted. I asked about her medication and she said she had stopped taking it around 2/3 months ago. She stated her doctor says she needs her medication as do her parents. I said if she felt she needed to take medication then I would support her as would I if she decided she didn't want to take it.

Yesterday she went to the doctors and has been put on Citaprolam again (20 mg). She says that once the tablets start to work everythimg will get better.

Obviously she has other stresses in her life such as working full time etc...

when I reflect I can see that the change in her behaviour coincides with her stop taking her medication.

How can I help her deal with her struggles and help to get her through the difficult period she is having??