View Full Version : My story

10-28-2015, 07:41 PM
It literally feels like I am dying most days. I can't even catch a break when I am sleeping, and to be honest this is at times the worst. Recently I awake to pain in my chest and my immediate thoughts are "I am having a heart attack". I have chest pain every day and I think I just need someone to tell me they know what I am going through. I've went to more then one doctor to make sure it wasn't heart related. All have agreed it is not heart related and I have even done a stress test on my heart to be sure. Recently I have waken up to chest pain, shortness of breath and I also find myself trembling or shaking. I was on lorazapam which was a temporary solution for the time being and I found myself taking the pill every day in order to find relief. I was also prescribed citalopram and I found that this took away most of my symptoms related to anxiety and panic. I did not want to be dependent on medication so i stopped taking the medication and went to a naturalist. She seemed to know a great deal on the subject and I was impressed. This is my little story to a much wider problem, It is good to connect with people who share the same experiences. My family and friends do not understand or support me. They try or pretend to but how can they support something they do not understand or have to live with?. So I guess this is why I am here.